


SUBJECT INDEX: United Kingdom
Phipson on Evidence 20th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Part of the Common Law Library series, Phipson on Evidence is the leading work on civil and criminal evidence. It examines in detail all aspects of the principles and procedures making up the law of evidence. Coverage includes the admission of evidence, the standard of proof, the attendance of witnesses, good and bad character, legal professional privilege, hearsay, expert evidence, confessions, judicial discretion and many other evidential issues.

Key Features

  • Leading work and authority on civil and criminal evidence, frequently quoted in court
  • Written by a prominent team of expert authors, with excellent balance between leading practitioners and academics
  • Fully updates all changes brought in by the Civil Procedure Rules and the Criminal Procedure Rules
  • Examines in detail all aspects of the complex principles and procedures which make up the law of evidence including admission of evidence, evidence taken or served prior to a trial, the rules of evidence during the course of a trial and the examination of witnesses
  • Considers the burden and standard of proof
  • Discusses all aspects of good and bad character
  • Includes analysis of privilege and facts excluded by public policy
  • Examines hearsay in civil and criminal proceedings
  • Looks at the exclusion and inclusion of extrinsic evidence
  • Examines the judicial discretion to admit or exclude evidence
  • Considers a broad range of case law, including that of the Commonwealth

New to this supplement

The First Supplement to the Twentieth Edition covers all the latest developments in the law of evidence since publication of the Twentieth Edition in December 2021. These include important decisions on admission of evidence, the standard of proof, the attendance of witnesses, good and bad character, legal professional privilege, hearsay, expert evidence, confessions, judicial discretion and many other evidential issues. The supplement also considers important decisions from the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal such as R. v Carlos Wright [2022] EWCA Crim 1722, and AIC Ltd v Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria [2022] UKSC 16 to name a few.

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Craies on Legislation 13th Edition

Craies on Legislation is the complete practitioners' guide to the nature, process, effect and interpretation of legislation. It is regularly cited to and by the higher courts, and it is relied upon by lawyers in the public and private sectors for shedding light on the widest range of questions in relation to how legislation is made, applied, challenged and interpreted.

This new edition features:

  • New material on emergency legislation, including rule of law lessons from COVID-19 legislation
  • Validation legislation
  • New judicial applications of old presumptions and principles
  • Consideration of secret law
  • Supreme Court codification of principles of interpretation
  • Changes in treatment of EU-derived legislation

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Bowstead and Reynolds on Agency 23rd Edition, 1st Supplement

Bowstead Reynolds on Agency is the essential reference source for commercial practitioners. Part of the long-established Common Law Library, this new supplement updates all relevant aspects of law and how they relate to agency agreements, including contract law, administrative law, tort, commercial/company law, the law of property and the conflict of laws.

The first supplement to the 23rd edition takes account of all developments in agency, including new text (and supporting cases) on, among others:

  • Chapter 2: imposter agents, incapax principals, acts which may be performed via an agent, dual agency, ratification, and true estoppel;
  • Chapter 3: liability of principal for bribery by its agents, co-agents, and usual authority of different types of agent;
  • Chapter 6: the agents duty to follow instructions, ambiguous instructions, duties of care and skill, duties prior to appointment, undue influence of agent, fiduciary duties, and remedy of account;
  • Chapter 7: illegality and remuneration, and interpleader;
  • Chapter 8: authority to make gifts, non-delegable duties, imputed knowledge, and bribery.

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Snell's Equity 35th Edition

Snell's Equity provides in-depth commentary and analysis of the law of equity and offers interpretation of how the different rules can be applied to property (trusts, assets, securities). It is the most comprehensive book on this subject and is frequently cited in court.

Snells Equity:
  • Examines the nature and maxims of equity.
  • Wide coverage from historical tradition to modern developments.
  • Interprets the principles and their application in different modern situations.
  • Considers all new legislative and case developments.
  • Covers the three main substantive fields of equity jurisdiction: trusts, the administration of assets and securities, particularly mortgages.
  • Takes into account the growing application of trusts and fiduciary obligations in commercial contexts.
  • Clear narrative with logical progression of principles and definitions to application in practice and remedies.
Gale on Easements 22nd Edition

This highly regarded and frequently cited title, first published in 1839, is a detailed analytical text that interprets statute and case law and suggests solutions to the many problems that may arise. The authors provide summaries and informed examination of case law to help make clear the main themes of the law of easements and their subtle variations and exceptions.

Gale on Easements:

  • Interprets both statute and case law, suggesting solutions to problems which may arise in practice
  • Sets out what constitutes an easement and goes on to focus on particular types, such as right of light, rights of way, air and support, boundaries and access to neighbouring land
  • Traces cases to the present day from an historical point of view
  • Explains the development of the law via in-depth analysis of latest case law
  • Offers remedies and advice for when an easement has been disturbed
  • Provides summaries and examination of case law, including a wide range of Commonwealth cases
  • Goes through the ways easements can be created
  • Examines the how easements can be extinguished
  • Defines what amounts to disturbance of easements and identifies the available remedies

New to this edition:

  • Fully updated to incorporate all the key cases since the last edition
  • Revised analysis of how rights of light deeds authorising development which interferes with the light to a neighbours land bind successors
  • Restructured and refreshed discussion of the principles of interpretation applicable to express grants
  • Updated discussion on what light is to be considered when deciding whether a nuisance has been caused and how the impact of light interference is to be measured
  • A detailed discussion of the apparent conflict between property law and tort law, questioning the apparent displacement of well established property law principles by the intrusion of the measured duty of care
  • New commentary on the treatment of access to neighbouring land

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Bean on Injunctions 15th Edition

This book has long been regarded as the essential reference source for lawyers and judges who deal with one of the most important remedies in civil and family litigation the injunction. Bean on Injunctions provides you with an indispensable and focused reference tool in the fast-moving world of the injunction.


  • Covers every type of injunction, going through their scope and limitations,
  • Provides a concise and practical guide with particular emphasis on explanation of procedure.
  • Covers the full range of injunctions in one volume.
  • Fully explains the criteria for both permanent and interim injunctions.
  • Features separate chapters on freezing injunctions and property orders, search orders, and, contempt of court.
  • Considers the law of injunctions as it applies to specific cases:
    • employment and other business relations;
    • restraint of publication;
    • public law; defendants outside the jurisdiction;
    • restraint of legal proceedings;
    • discrimination
    • financial services and consumer contracts;
    • state immunity;
    • harassment and anti-social behaviour;
    • patents and trademarks;
    • competition how injunctions
  • Sets out what remedies are available and to which situations they are best suited.
  • Includes a dedicated section on matrimonial and domestic proceedings

The new 15th edition incorporates the key developments and new cases in practice and procedure since the last edition, including:

  • The Supreme Courts analysis of the basis for injunctions, the need for a cause of action and orders against persons unknown: Wolverhampton CC v London Gypsies and Travellers [2023] UKSC 42
  • A fully rewritten and updated chapter on Family Injunctions and Protective orders designed specifically for practitioners in the Family Court
  • The use of interim and final injunctions to prevent disruptive protest on public highways
  • An update on freezing orders and the unlimited cross-undertaking in damages: Hunt v Ubhi [2023] EWCA Civ 417
  • Balance of convenience and assessing the merits in restraint of trade cases: Boydell v NZP [2023] EWCA Civ 373 and Planon v Gilligan [2022] EWCA Civ 642
  • Injunctions to prevent dismissals: Tesco v USDAW [2024] UKSC 28
  • Guidance on the approach to anti-social behaviour injunctions: Swindon BC v Abrook [2024] EWCA Civ 230 and Jones v Birmingham CC [2023] 3 W.L.R. 343
  • A new section on planning injunctions under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990

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Bowstead and Reynolds on Agency 23rd Edition, Mainwork + Supplement

Bowstead Reynolds on Agency is the essential reference source for commercial practitioners. Part of the long-established Common Law Library, this new supplement updates all relevant aspects of law and how they relate to agency agreements, including contract law, administrative law, tort, commercial/company law, the law of property and the conflict of laws.

The first supplement to the 23rd edition takes account of all developments in agency, including new text (and supporting cases) on, among others:

  • Chapter 2: imposter agents, incapax principals, acts which may be performed via an agent, dual agency, ratification, and true estoppel;
  • Chapter 3: liability of principal for bribery by its agents, co-agents, and usual authority of different types of agent;
  • Chapter 6: the agents duty to follow instructions, ambiguous instructions, duties of care and skill, duties prior to appointment, undue influence of agent, fiduciary duties, and remedy of account;
  • Chapter 7: illegality and remuneration, and interpleader;
  • Chapter 8: authority to make gifts, non-delegable duties, imputed knowledge, and bribery.

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Chitty on Contracts 35th Edition (2 volumes) + Supplement


The Authority on Contract Law

Chitty on Contracts is the foremost work on the law of contract, due to its breadth of coverage, scope and detail. Chitty provides unrivalled expertise for common law and commercial barristers and solicitors, as well as academics and the judiciary in many countries across the world. Comprehensive, with a thorough review of recent case law and legislation, Chitty continues to be the practitioner’s choice for authority and accessibility.

Clear, Comprehensive Coverage of Law and Practice

In two volumes, Chitty provides complete coverage of the law of contract, incorporating extensive reference to relevant legislation and recent case law. Volume 1 deals with General Principles that apply to contracts of every kind, whereas Volume 2 covers Specific Contracts such as Sale of Goods, Construction and Credit & Security.

Other Features

  • Provides an in-depth examination of contracts in specialist areas
  • Deals individually with specific types of contract: agency, arbitration, bailment, bills of exchange and banking, building contracts, carriage by air, carriage by land, construction, credit and security, employment, gaming and wagering, insurance, restrictive agreements and covenants, sale of goods and suretyship
  • Offers interpretation and advice on the law when disputes arise, or when technical areas need clarification, and when responsibilities, obligations and entitlements need to be established

New Developments

The First Supplement to the 35th edition of Chitty brings the work up-to-date with material that became available by 31 July 2024, and the most important more recent developments, including:


  • Abbey Healthcare (Mill Hill) Ltd v Augusta 2008 LLP (formerly Simply Construct (UK) LLP) (adjudication – collateral warranty)
  • Ali v HSF Logistics Polska sp zoo (loss of illegal use)
  • Armstead v Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company Ltd (agreed damages)
  • Banca Intesa Sanpaolo SpA v Commune di Venezia (CA) (failure of basis)
  • Barry v Barry (intention to create legal relations)
  • Byers v Saudi National Bank (restitutionary remedies)
  • Caixabank SA, formerly Bankia SA, v W.E. and X.A. (Joined Cases C-810/21 to C-813/21) (unfair terms: limitation)
  • Canada Square Operations Ltd v Potter (limitation: deliberate concealment)
  • Celestial Aviation Services Ltd v UniCredit Bank GmbH, London Branch (formerly Unicredit Bank AG, London Branch) (illegality under foreign law)
  • Competition and Markets Authority v Volkswagen AG
  • Contra Holdings Ltd v Bamford (interpretation of informal contracts)
  • Diag Human SE v Volterra Fietta (effects of champerty)
  • Enfield LBC v Arajah (“subject to contract”)
  • Eternity Sky Investments Ltd v Zhang (unfair terms in consumer contracts)
  • European Superleague Company SL v Fédération internationale de football association (competition: Ch.1 prohibition)
  • Glaser v Atay (unfair terms in consumer contracts)
  • Khan v Malik (agreement to offer lease)
  • King Crude Carriers SA v Ridgebury November LLC (effect of preventing occurrence of condition)
  • Last Bus Ltd (t/a Dublin Coach) v Dawsongroup Bus and Coach Ltd (UCTA 1977 s 3; reasonableness)
  • Lewis-Ranwell v G4S Health Services (UK) Ltd (illegality after Patel v Mirza)
  • Lipton v BA City Flyer Ltd [2024] UKSC 24 (interpretation of retained EU law; flight cancellation - “exceptional circumstances”)
  • Loreley Financing (Jersey) No 30 Ltd v Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Ltd (reliance on misrepresentation)
  • One Savings Bank Plc v Waller-Edwards (undue influence; whether bank put on enquiry)
  • Parker-Grennan v Camelot UK Lotteries Ltd (reasonable notice of terms)
  • Re AGPS Bondco Plc (cram-downs in restructuring)
  • RTI Ltd v MUR Shipping BV (interpretation; force majeure)
  • Sharp Corp Ltd v Viterra BV (mitigation of damages)
  • Smith v Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (unfair credit relationships and limitation)
  • Tesco Stores Ltd v Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (employment; implied terms; good faith; injunctions)
  • Thandi v Saggu (informal contract, proprietary estoppel)


  • Digital Markets, Competition, and Consumers Act 2024
  • Electronic Trade Documents Act 2023
  • Aviation (Consumers) (Amendment) Regulations 2023
  • Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023 s.6 (criteria for departures from assimilated law)
Dilapidations: The Modern Law and Practice, 7th edition Mainwork + Supplement

 his is the first supplement to the seventh edition of Dilapidations: The Modern Law and Practice - a leading authority in its field, providing comprehensive coverage of the legal principles relating to dilapidations, both residential and commercial, together with all the practical aspects pertaining to dilapidations claims. It offers a comprehensive, one-stop reference, assisting the reader with dilapidations issues and in determining of the best course of action. It discusses the legal principles clearly and accompanies this with worked examples showing how they apply in practice. It also includes precedents, forms, statutes, and extensive case referencing. It is now largely recognised by the courts and the professions as the leading work on dilapidations, and it is referred to, and quoted from, in many cases.

Key features of the mainwork:
  • Explores the obligations of landlord and tenant with regard to the state and repair of property
  • Looks at repairing obligations, all types of repairing covenant, liability, considerations affecting the performance of obligations, liability, remedies, fees
  • Explores alternative ways of resolving claims such as arbitration and proposals for reform this area of law
  • It considers the rules in relation to both landlord and tenant and both commercial and residential property
  • Offers a comprehensive and authoritative discussion of legal principles relating to dilapidations with examples as to how those principles might apply in practice using relevant case law
  • Commentary is supported by relevant forms and precedents in the appendices
  • The renowned author team offer a practical five-question approach to analysing the basic repairing covenants
The first supplement to the seventh edition of Dilapidations: The Modern Law and Practice brings the mainwork up to date with the latest developments including:
  • Coldunell v Hotel Management International [2022] EWHC 1290 (TCC)
  • Ashtenne Caledonia v Saleem [2023] CSOH 18 and Ashtenne Caledonia v Denny Enterprises International [2023] CSOH 20
  • Khan v Mehmood [2022] EWCA Civ 791
  • Anchor Hanover Group v Cox [2023] UKUT 14 (LC)
  • Dorrington Residential v 56 Clifton Gardens [2022] UKUT 266 (LC)
  • Tanner v Moss [2022] CSOH 33
  • Alma Property Management Ltd v Crompton [2022] EWHC 2671 (Ch) and [2023] EWCA Civ 849
A number of recent decisions from Australia and New Zealand that may be of some interest to the practitioner are also included. These cases show not only how dilapidations questions are dealt with in those jurisdictions but are also a possible source of ideas and arguments.
Construction All Risks Insurance, 4th Edition

Construction All Risks Insurance is essential reading for both lawyers and insurance brokers in the field of construction insurance. Building on its reputation as the definitive reference for practitioners, Construction All Risks is the go-to guide looking for answers in construction insurance.

  • Covers the fundamentals of Construction All Risk Insurance from its origins in the Marine Insurance Act of 1906 to current day practice, going through the processes and pitfalls involved in CAR claims
  • Contains comprehensive practical advice for those dealing with CAR insurance claims, with coverage of disputes and the application of insurance law to commercial insurances
  • Explains the need for insurance and highlights particular areas for concern such as Institute Cargo Clauses and Aviation
  • Examines the structure of CAR policies, giving practical advice on the drafting of various clauses, including rectification, fortuity, loss and damage clauses and warranties
  • Discusses the wide range of exclusions that can apply to CAR policies and their significance, including defect and standard exclusions
  • Takes into account the difficult areas of causation and co-insurance
  • Includes example policy clauses and precedent materials
  • Includes guidance on the claims procedure as well as marine, aviation and property risks
The fourth edition has been revised and updated, including:
  • substantial revision of The Marine and Aviation chapters;
  • new commentary on coinsurance dealing with recent cases including:
  • the Supreme Court''s decision in MT Polar;
  • the Court of Appeal''s decision in RFU v Conway;
  • reviews of US cases including:
  • South Capitol Bridgebuilders v Lexington Insurance Company and SCB v Lexington regarding the meaning and application of the LEG 3 standard defects exclusion;
  • and revised commentary on the meaning of damage following the Commercial Court''s decision in Sky and Mace v Riverstone.
Practitioner's Guide to the UK Financial Services Rulebooks 8th Edition

A Practitioners Guide to the UK Financial Services Rulebooks is the leading guide and commentary on the Handbook of the Financial Conduct Authority and the Rulebook of the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Fully revised, the 8th edition covers all significant regulatory developments and how they affect your day-to-day operations. Since the last edition, financial services regulation has become even more complex and multi-layered, and this book provides valuable summaries and signposts key content in the Handbook and Rulebook. This comprehensive new edition has been reorganised and there is now a new chapter on Insurance, Mortgage and Banking Conduct of Business, a chapter dealing with both Market Abuse and Financial Crime, and a separate chapter on Product Governance and Intervention.

Closely following the structure of the handbooks for ease of use and written by a team of leading practitioners, this indispensable book is the definitive guide and commentary on the financial services rulebooks.

  • Explains how conduct of business, prudential regulation, authorisation, enforcement and consumer issues are dealt with in the rulebooks
  • Includes chapters covering specialist sourcebooks, the Consumer Credit Sourcebook (CONC) and Collective Investment Schemes (COLL)
  • Expert guidance and commentary from some of the foremost financial services legal practitioners in the UK

New to this edition:

  • This new edition reflects the continued divergence of the FCA and PRA, such as the PRAs development of its own distinct approach to enforcement
  • Includes new content on the introduction of consumer duty for new and existing products and services by the FCA
  • New content on the phased implementation of the package of operational resilience requirements
  • More detail on the individual accountability regime the Senior Managers and Certification Regime
  • Coverage of rules and guidance in the context of post-Brexit changes to UK legislation

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Hewitt on Joint Ventures 8th Edition

Hewitt on Joint Ventures analyses a variety of transactions where two or more existing entities agree to establish and participate in a common enterprise or business-related activity. The main focus is on joint ventures using the medium of a joint venture company. The principal issues raised by a range of transactions are examined, outlining how such issues might be handled and setting out the relevant background law.

Described in the High Court as a book edited by practitioners who specialise and have extensive experience in this area of commercial activity, it is written in a clear and practical way, tailored for the practitioner and in-house counsel. It aims to provide detailed commercial guidance alongside a comprehensive review of relevant specialist areas of law, as well as useful checklists and precedents.

  • Provides in-depth examination of all aspects of joint ventures and a range of collaborative relationships
  • Covers the practicalities involved in the drafting, negotiating and setting up of joint ventures
  • Guides you through the planning stages of a joint venture or alliance
  • Identifies and examines the principal issues for joint venture parties, including: capital and funding; governance and management; minority investment and protection; deadlock and breakdown; duties between joint venture parties; transfers of shares; exit, termination and change; and disputes mediation, litigation and arbitration
  • Sets out the relevant legal background
  • Suggests ways of dealing with issues that may arise
  • Includes a range of precedents and checklists
  • Recognises the international nature of many JV agreements
  • Guides the reader through complex and specialist areas of a JV, with chapter by chapter coverage of tax planning; competition and regulatory controls, IP and technology, employment and accounting
New to this Edition

Hewitt reflects and contextualises many significant legal developments over the last five years, including:

  • The legal impact of the UKs departure from the European Union
  • The growing importance for business and transactions of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and how directors should approach this
  • The much-increased focus on corporate transparency and anti-corruption, which has led to significant new legislation addressing the disclosure of foreign ownership of UK real estate, verification of the controllers and managers of UK companies and other vehicles, and the prospective introduction of a failure to prevent fraud offence
  • The main joint venture-relevant case law since the last edition, including new clarity from the higher courts regarding:
    • The duties owed by directors to creditors when the company is insolvent, and the consequences of breach
    • The rule against recovery for reflective loss
    • Parent company liability for tort
    • The exercise of conversion rights from one class of shares to another
    • The limitation of actions in relation to unfair prejudice petitions
    • The consolidation and wider application of the principle that a person is unlikely to have agreed to give up a valuable right that they would otherwise have had, unless there are clear words to that effect
    • The closer scrutiny and control in the interests of national security of inward investment in key areas
  • The treatment of the entry into and termination of joint ventures under the new UK Listing Regime
  • The potentially far-reaching imposition of financial responsibility for defective residential buildings and the need for these and other reasons flagged above for careful due diligence
  • Challenges affecting joint ventures with local parties in a number of key international jurisdictions (Brazil, China, India, Malaysia and United Arab Emirates)

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Copinger and Skone James on Copyright 19th Edition

This 19th edition has been extensively revised and content added and rewritten to take account of the latest legislative and case law developments as well as the continuing impact of Brexit.

The title takes a subject-by-subject approach to take you through Copyright, Rights in Performances, Rights in Designs, Moral Rights and a variety of Miscellaneous Rights.

New content has been added covering the Computer Games industry and Technology.

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Benjamin's Sale of Goods 12th Edition, 1st Supplement

Offering a one-stop source to all the elements, principles, legislation and case law surrounding sale of goods, not just in the UK but also internationally, Benjamin's Sale of Goods has firmly established itself as the premier publication on the topic.

First published in 1868 and frequently cited in court, its depth and coverage make Benjamin an essential reference tool and a must-have purchase for commercial practitioners, academics and barristers.

Part of the Common Law Library, this new 12th edition of Benjamin's Sale of Goods is now presented in two volumes and content highlights include the following:

  • Covers the needs of practitioners interested in all areas of sale of goods case law
  • Includes clearly defined and structured content, with separate sections for Nature and formation of the Contract of Sale, Property and risk, Performance of the contract, Defective goods, Consumer Protection, Remedies, Overseas Sales, Conflict of laws
  • Provides high level text supported by all relevant developments in legislation and case law - the cases selected and the interpretation and guidance provided being one of the title's added values
  • Provides a comprehensive explanation of the law of sale of goods, including terms and conditions, rights and obligations
  • Sets out the nature and formation of the contract of sale
  • Includes discussion of unfair contract terms in commercial and consumer sales
  • Details the remedies available when disputes arise
  • Explains the implications of E-Commerce, including electronic contracts and payments
  • Examines the law on Letters of Credit
  • Incorporates the Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002, and recent European Directives
  • Includes expert commentary on the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
  • Outlines the implications of the Consumer Credit Act and gives a detailed account of consumer protection
  • Provides authoritative discussion on conflict of laws
  • Examines the international scope of the subject, with chapters on overseas sales
  • Takes you through the laws relating to consumer protection

New to the 12th edition:

  • Extensive coverage of post-Brexit legislation, principally the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023
  • Electronic Trade Documents Act 2023
  • International Standard Demand Guarantee Practice (ISDGP)
  • Report of the Law Commission, Consumer Sales Contracts: Transfer of Ownership (No.398)
  • Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill 2023
  • Incorporates new case law in all areas

Key new case law and legislation covered in this supplement includes:

  • King Crude Carriers SA v Ridgebury November LLC [2024] EWCA Civ 17 (deemed performance of conditions precedent; deposits)
  • RTI Ltd v MUR Shipping BV [2024] UKSC 18 (force majeure clauses and reasonable endeavours)
  • Sharp Corp Ltd v Viterra BV [2024] UKSC 14 (market damages and mitigation; C and F Free Out contracts)
  • Earthco Soil Mixtures Inc v Pine Valley Enterprises Inc [2024] SCC 20, Can (description and exemption clauses)
  • Last Bus Ltd v Dawsongroup Bus and Coach Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 1297 (exemption clauses)
  • Primeo Fund v Bank of Bermuda (Cayman) Ltd [2023] UKPC 40 (contributory negligence)
  • Banco Intesa Sanpaolo SA v Comune di Venezia [2023] EWCA Civ 1482 (restitution and applicable law)
  • Lipton v BA City Flyer Ltd [2024] UKSC 24 (interpretation of retained EU law)
  • Brexit developments on retained and assimilated EU law
  • Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024

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Benjamin's Sale of Goods 12th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Offering a one-stop source to all the elements, principles, legislation and case law surrounding sale of goods, not just in the UK but also internationally, Benjamin's Sale of Goods has firmly established itself as the premier publication on the topic.

First published in 1868 and frequently cited in court, its depth and coverage make Benjamin an essential reference tool and a must-have purchase for commercial practitioners, academics and barristers.

Part of the Common Law Library, this new 12th edition of Benjamin's Sale of Goods is now presented in two volumes and content highlights include the following:

  • Covers the needs of practitioners interested in all areas of sale of goods case law
  • Includes clearly defined and structured content, with separate sections for Nature and formation of the Contract of Sale, Property and risk, Performance of the contract, Defective goods, Consumer Protection, Remedies, Overseas Sales, Conflict of laws
  • Provides high level text supported by all relevant developments in legislation and case law - the cases selected and the interpretation and guidance provided being one of the title's added values
  • Provides a comprehensive explanation of the law of sale of goods, including terms and conditions, rights and obligations
  • Sets out the nature and formation of the contract of sale
  • Includes discussion of unfair contract terms in commercial and consumer sales
  • Details the remedies available when disputes arise
  • Explains the implications of E-Commerce, including electronic contracts and payments
  • Examines the law on Letters of Credit
  • Incorporates the Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002, and recent European Directives
  • Includes expert commentary on the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
  • Outlines the implications of the Consumer Credit Act and gives a detailed account of consumer protection
  • Provides authoritative discussion on conflict of laws
  • Examines the international scope of the subject, with chapters on overseas sales
  • Takes you through the laws relating to consumer protection

New to the 12th edition:

  • Extensive coverage of post-Brexit legislation, principally the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023
  • Electronic Trade Documents Act 2023
  • International Standard Demand Guarantee Practice (ISDGP)
  • Report of the Law Commission, Consumer Sales Contracts: Transfer of Ownership (No.398)
  • Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill 2023
  • Incorporates new case law in all areas

Key new case law and legislation covered in this supplement includes:

  • King Crude Carriers SA v Ridgebury November LLC [2024] EWCA Civ 17 (deemed performance of conditions precedent; deposits)
  • RTI Ltd v MUR Shipping BV [2024] UKSC 18 (force majeure clauses and reasonable endeavours)
  • Sharp Corp Ltd v Viterra BV [2024] UKSC 14 (market damages and mitigation; C and F Free Out contracts)
  • Earthco Soil Mixtures Inc v Pine Valley Enterprises Inc [2024] SCC 20, Can (description and exemption clauses)
  • Last Bus Ltd v Dawsongroup Bus and Coach Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 1297 (exemption clauses)
  • Primeo Fund v Bank of Bermuda (Cayman) Ltd [2023] UKPC 40 (contributory negligence)
  • Banco Intesa Sanpaolo SA v Comune di Venezia [2023] EWCA Civ 1482 (restitution and applicable law)
  • Lipton v BA City Flyer Ltd [2024] UKSC 24 (interpretation of retained EU law)
  • Brexit developments on retained and assimilated EU law
  • Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024

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Gatley on Libel and Slander 13th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Now in its thirteenth edition and part of the prestigious Common Law Library, Gatley on Libel and Slander has established itself as the definitive work on defamation law and practice.

This new edition comes at a key time. The work has been comprehensively updated and restructured to provide a thorough examination of the Supreme Court decision in Lachaux v Independent Print Ltd – a landmark defamation case addressing the definition of “serious harm” in the Defamation Act 2013.
In addition to providing detailed commentary and expert analysis of the substantive law, it offers comprehensive guidance on the procedural aspects of bringing an action. This advice is complemented with example forms and precedents for issuing proceedings and summaries of key damages awards, making it both a practical and authoritative reference.
  • The authority on the law of defamation with expert analysis of the law and all significant developments in libel and slander, malicious falsehood and privacy.
  • Detailed coverage of the relevant procedure for practising defamation law – serving as a one-stop reference at every stage of an action.
  • Examines the defamatory statement including slanders actionable, publication, identifying the person defamed and addresses the question: who may sue or be sued?
  • Looks at the various available remedies including compensatory, aggravated and exemplary damages.
  • Commentary on related causes of action such as malicious falsehood, misuse of private information and other causes arising from statements.
  • Explores available defences with discussion of honest comment, absolute and qualified privilege, publication in public interest and more.
  • Comprehensive examination of the procedure for bringing an action from interim injunctions and particulars of claim to counterclaims, apologies, the trial and appeals.
  • Relevant cases from other jurisdictions with commentary on their relevance to UK law and procedure, including decisions from Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
  • Discusses the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the continuing effect of the Human Rights Act on defamation law.
  • Provides forms and precedents for issuing proceedings, statements of case and settlement and reproduces relevant excerpts of key statutes.
  • Includes an appendix with summaries of important libel awards.
Please note that the print and eBook publication dates will not always match.
Jackson & Powell on Professional Liability 9th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Jackson Powell is the definitive text on Professional Liability. It provides comprehensive coverage of the law of professional liability. It is an essential reference point for every practitioner as it aids them in establishing whether a duty of care exists and whether it has been breached, providing quick access with confidence as to whether a cause of action exists while explaining the remedies available.

Key features
  • Examines the nature of professional liability
  • Deals with subjects of general application and delves into specific professions
  • Discusses the difference between tortuous liability and contractual liability
  • Considers the duties and obligations of a professional including positive duties and restrictions
  • Considers the standard of skill and care including the relevance of the defendants qualifications and experience
  • Discusses changes in the standard required by professional
  • Explains the nature of a fiduciary duty including unauthorised profits and undue influence
  • Discusses the origins of the duty of confidentiality including the continuing duty to former clients
  • Differentiates between limitation in contract, tort and equity
The 1st supplement to the 9th Edition brings the main work up to date, including the following significant new cases and developments:
  • Percy v Merriman White (CA): in contribution proceedings s1(4) of the Contribution Act did not obviate the need to prove negligence by the proposed contributor.
  • Application of Manchester Building Society v Grant Thornton UK LLP to claim against surveyors (Charles B Lawrence Associates v Intercommercial Bank Ltd (PC)) where the counterfactual was rejected, and to structural engineers in BDW Trading Ltd v URS Corp Ltd.
  • Spire Property Development LLP v Withers LLP (CA): the duty assumed by solicitors in email correspondence after the retainer ended is restricted by what was requested by the client.
  • Ashraf v Lester Dominic Solicitors Ltd: solicitors acting for a bank owed no duty of care to another party.
  • Hunt v Annolight Ltd (CA): circumstances in which a legal representative should be cross-examined in wasted costs cases.

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Dealing with Delay and Disruption on Construction Projects 2nd Edition

The second edition of Dealing with Delay and Disruption on Construction Projects continues to comprehensively address the management of delay and disruption from the inception of a project through to the resolution of claims in the projects aftermath. In doing so, this 2nd edition updates the previous text with legal, technology and social developments since the 1st edition.

Updates for this edition include:

  • Recent English judicial developments on liquidated damages after termination, concurrent delay, and the independence of expert firms
  • Introduction of the Saudi Civil Code
  • Key developments in artificial intelligence
  • The impact of COVID-19 and Russian sanctions in the management of delay and disruption on construction projects

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Preston & Newsom: Restrictive Covenants Affecting Freehold Land 12th Edition

Preston and Newsom provides comprehensive guidance on the effect, enforcement, modification and removal of covenants restricting the use of freehold land. It also considers user covenants in leases, rentcharges, easements, and other rights.

  • Explains how the benefit of covenants can pass to new owners and occupiers of benefited land
  • Explains when new owners and occupiers of registered and unregistered land should comply with restrictive covenants
  • Explains schemes of mutually enforceable restrictions
  • Considers the effect of user covenants in rentcharges and easements
  • Gives practical advice on drafting effective restrictive covenants and schemes
  • Reviews numerous cases on the meaning of particular covenants
  • Applies important recent case law on the interpretation of legal documents to covenants
  • Considers powers of nominated persons to release restrictions and to approve plans
  • Considers what activities breach a wide variety of typical restrictions
  • Discusses the merits and risks of asking the court for an injunction
  • Explains recent legal developments about whether damages can be awarded instead of an injunction and what damages can be awarded
  • Explains the special court procedures for a universal declaration about whether a covenant continues to be effective; who is affected by it; and whether it prevents a particular project
  • Explains the power and judicial discretion of the Upper Tribunal to modify or terminate restrictions
  • Explains who can apply to the Tribunal and who can object
  • Explains the preliminary and hearing procedures of the Lands Chamber of the Upper Tribunal
  • Explains the Tribunals special procedures in covenant proceedings
  • Explains how the titles of objectors can be challenged in the Upper Tribunal or in the courts
  • Considers in detail what sorts of restrictions can be modified in what circumstances
  • Reviews many Tribunal decisions and explains what compensation can be awarded
  • Explains how the Tribunal decides whether to award costs in covenant proceedings
  • Explains the criteria and procedure for appealing Upper Tribunal decisions
  • Considers other ways in which covenants can be altered, limited, suspended or ended
  • Includes appendix materials containing relevant statutes, procedural rules, practice directions, standard forms, practice statements and up-to-date tables of Upper Tribunal decisions from the last 10 years
  • Includes references to a variety of relevant court decisions and statutes in commonwealth jurisdiction

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UK Competition Regime 2nd Edition

UK Competition Regime: A Practitioners Guide, covers all aspects of competition law, including detailed treatment of procedure, coverage of recent developments, with a focus on guidance for practitioners. It includes an overview of the role of economics.

The second edition covers how Brexit has led to UK agencies finding themselves free to pursue cases and policy objectives in their own way, while legislation has brought in new powers and procedures, including:

  • The new digital markets regime that introduces ex ante pro-competition enforcement regime
  • Reforms to the mergers, markets and antitrust regimes introduced by the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act
  • New merger control thresholds and new mandatory notification regime for digital companies with market power
  • New guidance for assessing mergers and new merger investigation procedures
  • The introduction of UK Block Exemptions and guidance on anticompetitive agreements
  • The growth of class-action litigation in competition cases


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Sentencing Principles, Procedure and Practice 2025

This annual title is the essential sentencing text, updated with all the latest changes from the past 12 months, including new legislation, the new Criminal Practice Directions, new Sentencing Guidelines, and all-important cases from the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division).

The book is split into two parts. Part A contains everything you need to know about sentencing procedure, courts sentencing powers and sentencing principles. The title has been structured around the Sentencing Code with extensive commentary and the availability of sentences, on the Sentencing Code (as amended) and guidance regarding the extent to which case law pre-dating the Sentencing Code continues to apply. Part B provides guidance on determining the appropriate sentence for almost all criminal offences, including the sentencing guidelines and important cases from the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) on the application of the guidelines. Part B also includes commentary on the approach to determining the appropriate sentence designed to be useful to practitioners and the judiciary.

The title includes extensive expert commentary from the authors and other expert practitioners and academics, identifying likely arguments and areas of ambiguity. There are concise summaries of all the relevant case law, giving users everything they need to know. The book is intended for use in sentencing hearings and appeals, in court and for out of court research.

  • Written and structured around the Sentencing Code
  • Case summaries of important cases with expert commentary
  • Analysis of sentencing guidelines, identifying particular issues and providing commentary
  • Includes all relevant legislation such as the Magistrates Courts Act 1980, Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, Criminal Justice Act 2003, the Sentencing Code, the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 and the Judicial Review and Courts Act 2022
  • Coverage extends to both the Crown Court and the magistrates courts

New coverage in this edition includes revised sections and commentary and various other changes to reflect new legislation and case law.

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Keating on Construction Contracts 12th Edition

A classic construction law text Keating on Construction Contracts is a first port of call for all research on the history and principles governing building contracts, their practical application and their interpretation by the courts. Renowned for its accessible style, and reliable authority the title covers all relevant legislation and case law, EC law, and the FIDIC, NEC3, JCT Forms of Contracts and ICE Conditions of Contract.

The book offers solicitors, barristers and construction professionals detailed and authoritative commentary on all issues relating to construction contracts and presents in-depth practical help in a concise style, discussing legal principles, analysing judicial decisions, interrogating standard forms and interpreting legislation.

The 12th edition includes:

  • A new chapter dedicated to building safety and defect legislation, updated to explain the key provisions of the new legislation [including the Building (Higher-Risk Buildings Procedures) (England) Regulations 2023 (SI 2023/909) and of the Higher-Risk Buildings (Descriptions and Supplementary Provisions) Regulations 2023] and decisions of the First tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber).
  • An updated and expanded ADR Chapter to explain the effect of Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil CBC [2023] EWCA Civ 1416 regarding the Courts power to compel parties to mediate their disputes.
  • Chapter 21 on JCT has been updated in respect of the Standard Building Contract 2024.
  • Recent TCC, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court decisions including:
    • Abbey Healthcare (Mill Hill) Ltd v Augusta 2008 LLP [2024] UKSC 23 and the decision in Parkwood Leisure Ltd v Laing O'Rourke [2013] BLR 589 was overruled.
    • Canada Square Operations Ltd v Potter [2023] UKSC 41
    • Benyatov v Credit Suisse (Securities) Europe Limited [2023] EWCA Civ 140
    • Tata Consultancy Services Ltd v Disclosure and Barring Service [2024] EWHC 1185 (TCC)
    • Providence Building Services Ltd v Hexagon Housing Association Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 962
    • URS Corporation Limited v BDW Trading Limited [2023] EWCA Civ 772

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De Smith's Judicial Review 9th Edition, Mainwork + Supplement

De Smiths Judicial Review is the leading work on the history, principles and practice of judicial review in England and Wales.

Key features:

  • Covers the history, theoretical foundations and principles of judicial review.
  • Deals comprehensively with all grounds of challenge, including illegality, procedural impropriety, substantive review, Convention rights and grounds based on retained EU law.
  • Clarifies complex changes in substantive review, as a result of recent Supreme Court cases including the use of Parliamentary materials in assessing proportionality (SC), challenges based on policies (A), significant cases on devolution concerning referenda and the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol; and the impact of the Windsor Framework on Northern Ireland.
  • Sets out the context of judicial review and its scope, considering at the outset a number of issues which guide De Smiths approach.
  • Considers other possible avenues of redress for aggrieved citizens.
  • Examines those who may initiate a claim for judicial review (claimants); who have a right to be a party (interested parties) and those who may seek permission from the court to make submissions as interveners
  • Includes full coverage of procedures and remedies, including new suspended quashing orders and the increased emphasis on procedural rigour before the Administrative Court.
  • Considers reform proposals including the Bill of Rights Bill.
  • Includes comparative material form other leading common law jurisdictions

New material in the Ninth Edition:

The Ninth edition includes comprehensive coverage of the law and practice of judicial review with extensive comparative material from leading common law jurisdictions. This edition has been thoroughly re-written and updated to take account of recent doctrinal developments and theoretical controversies. It includes recent changes to the law on remedies and limiting judicial review by ouster clauses. It examines retained EU law, separate agreement law, and future relationship law, the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol and the Windsor Framework. It also covers proposals, such as the Bill of Rights Bill.

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Lindley & Banks on Partnership 21st Edition, Mainwork + Suppelement

Sale of Shares and Businesses: Law, Practice and Agreements 7th Edition

 Sale of Shares and Businesses provides a comprehensive guide to selling and buying businesses in the England and Wales, whether the acquisition is structured by way of a purchase of shares or a purchase of assets. This title includes comments and explanations on the main issues which arise on such transactions. In addition to commentary, precedents are included in paper and electronic formats.

Guidance for every sale of a business
  • Includes guidance on every part of the sale or purchase of a business so you can make sure everything is covered and nothing is missed out
  • Helps you draw up agreements for every type of business client using examples drawn from all sizes of transactions from the sales of small business to multi-million pound deals
  • Helps you represent either the buyer or the seller
  • Covers through both sales of shares and sales of assets so whichever way the business is being bought and sold, you’ll have all the right advice and template to provide to your clients
Start to finish advice on the process
  • Covers pre-acquisition and pre-disposal steps so you can be fully prepared for negotiations.
  • Outlines the general principles of due diligence and in particular financial and legal due diligence, helping you ensure the sale and purchase agreement reflects the value of and risks in the business
  • Gives guidance on the key components of a sale and purchase agreement, so you can draft, check and negotiate your documents with confidence.
  • Includes an explanation of the nature of warranties and indemnities, so you can mitigate against possible problems that may arise post-sale.
  • Covers specialist areas including pensions, tax and employment law issues so you’ll be able to quickly address these issues in your drafting and negotiations.
Draft in line with current developments
  • Helps you ensure your agreements are in-line with the latest developments on company and commercial law.
  • Discusses changes in law and regulation affecting data protection, national security and listed companies, and how they affect the business sale process.
  • Sets out the ways in which property and environmental issues may affect the sale of a business.
Full set of precedents included to save you time drafting
  • Precedents related to the sale of a business including: asset and share purchase agreements, board minutes and powers of attorney are available digitally on Proview, our eReader platform.
  • Enables you to draft documents more quickly by using these precedents as a basis for drafting, or to select the relevant clauses as you need them.
  • Saves you time as you can easily find and copy the precedents and clauses you need into your own documents.
Law of Reinsurance 6th Edition

Wills, Administration and Taxation Law and Practice 14th Edition

Wills, Administration and Taxation Law and Practice applies a practical approach to the subject of will drafting, probate and taxation. The work deals comprehensively with the substantive law as well as practice and procedure, encompassing all the latest developments and case law, and using worked examples to present a clear, practical picture of the operation of the law. This approach will appeal to those new to the subject and those looking for guidance and clarification.

Wills, Administration and Taxation Law and Practice provides invaluable guidance for students as well as those who are new to practice.

Paperback edition includes free access to the ebook edition on ProView.

  • Recent decisions on testamentary capacity
  • Changes to the treatment of low income estates and trusts
  • The implications of the Trust Register for non-taxable trusts
  • Changes to probate procedure and the possibility of getting a grant on credit
  • Recent decisions on Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975

Please note that details of how to redeem ProView eBook access are included within the printed book.

Foskett on Compromise 10th Edition

 A compromise is the settlement of a dispute by mutual concession. Generally speaking a compromise occurs most often in a private law context, which is to say in disputes between individuals and/or commercial entities. A compromise can emerge from negotiations either before or after the commencement of litigation or arbitration proceedings and whether or not facilitated by mediation.

The purpose of Foskett on Compromise is to provide practitioners with a comprehensive and authoritative analysis of the legal framework for the resolution of disputes and the practical implications of the process of settlement however that settlement is achieved and whether it is a dispute within a domestic jurisdiction or involves cross-border implications.
  • Provides authoritative guidance on the law of compromise.
  • Establishes the legal foundations of compromise and the essential requirements of a valid compromise.
  • Goes through the procedure of compromise, its machinery and methods, with particular attention to Part 36 of the CPR in connection with disputes resolved within England and Wales.
  • Considers the consequences of a compromise and the effects of a breach.
  • Examines the enforcement of a compromise and how a compromise is put into effect.
  • Explains the practice of challenging the validity of (or ‘impeaching’) a compromise in order to have it set aside.
  • Deals individually with different types of dispute, including: settlements in Chancery litigation; matrimonial, family and inheritance disputes; serious personal injury claims involving children or patients; employment contract disputes; disputes in administrative law; landlord and tenant, boundary, and construction disputes.
  • Includes analysis of the compromise of arbitrations, domestic and international, appeals and compromises achieved through all forms of ADR.
  • Discusses the proper role of legal advisers (whether barrister, solicitor or other appropriate representative) in the process of compromise, including consideration of skills, responsibilities, obligations and liabilities.
  • Covers insurance interests and compromise.
  • Offers guidance and advice throughout as to best practice, for example as to what professional ethics and responsibility require in various situations.
  • Covers all aspects of the settlement of international commercial disputes whether achieved with the assistance of mediation or otherwise.
New to this edition:
  • New guidance on mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution following the Court of Appeal’s decision in Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council [2023] EWCA Civ 1416.
  • Updates on the Court’s approach to CPR Part 36
  • Updates on cases concerning Tomlin Orders
  • Guidance on the amendments to the Family Procedure Rules 2010 which came into force on 29 April 2024 with the increased focus on enabling and encouraging parties to engage in non-court dispute resolution (NCDR)
  • Updates on the court’s approach to the so-called Thwaite jurisdiction
  • New guidance on employment ADR
Kerr & Hunter on Receivership and Administration 22nd Edition

 Kerr & Hunter on Receivers and Administrators sets out the legal principles, explains the legislation and interprets the relevant case law. Covering both corporate and personal insolvency the book considers the duties, and responsibilities of both administrators and receivers. It also explains when and why they are appointed, and whether appointed outside court or not.

  • Considers the duties, powers, responsibilities and liabilities of administrators and receivers
  • Sets out the legal principles, explains the legislation and interprets the relevant case law
  • Explains the procedures for the appointment of receivers and administrators
  • Considers appointment out of court and emergency procedures
  • Describes the duties of office holders and their relationship with the company and its staff
  • Provides a comprehensive overview of taxation in receivership and administration
  • Guides reader through impact of new legislative developments and reflects the latest rulings from both UK and EU courts
  • Covers both corporate and personal insolvency, plus a chapter on cross-border insolvency
  • Gives latest rulings and case study material on the recast EU Insolvency Regulation
  • Illustrates potential judicial conflicts within the practice area of administration
  • Takes account of the effects of liquidation on administrative receivership
Keating on Offshore Construction and Marine Engineering Contracts 3rd Edition

 Keating on Offshore Construction and Marine Engineering Contracts provides in-depth guidance on the agreements involved in the construction of ships, rigs and other offshore vessels and structures. It will equip marine construction lawyers with a one-stop reference on all aspects of the modern shipbuilding and offshore engineering contracts and for dealing effectively with the problems that may arise.

Key features:
  • Examines the main standard form agreements used in marine construction, including the SAJ, BIMCO, the Norwegian 2000, AWES as well as LOGIC and FIDIC
  • Looks at the documents required for creation of a marine construction contract e.g specifications, drawings, programmes of work
  • Discusses the general rules of formation and construction of offshore construction contracts, including commonly found implied terms and limitation clauses
  • Covers changes to contract terms and considerations that need to be made from contractor and buyer’s perspectives
  • Covers differences in approach between standard shipbuilding and engineering contracts
  • Analyses in detail all the issues surrounding time in contracts, the obligations, delay and extensions
  • Looks at payment, including potential extra payments, permissible delay and damages
  • Considers the rights and obligations of parties following contractual or common law termination
  • Deal with guarantees, bonds and insurance
  • Covers the dispute resolution frameworks used in international shipbuilding contracts, including litigation in the Commercial or Technology and Construction Court, and ADR
  • Examines the growing influence of land-based construction case law, and provides in-depth commentary of relevant authorities
New to the third edition:
  • Updated to cover the latest editions of all the standard forms
  • Expanded commentary taking into account LOGIC Marine Construction, Offshore Decommissioning and the Design Edition, as well as the new BIMCO DISMANTLECON contract
  • Key recent cases discussed in detail, including Jiangsu Guoxin Corp Ltd v Precious Shipping Public Co Ltd [2020] EWHC 1030 (Comm), Panther Real Estate Development LLC v Modern Executive Systems Contracting LLC [2022] DIFC CA 016, Van Oord UK Ltd v Dragados UK Ltd [2021] CSIH 50; 198 Con LR 1 and Shanghai Shipyard Co Ltd v Reignwood Investment Co Ltd [2021] 1 WLR 5408 (CA)
  • Expanded commentary on express or implied terms of good faith
  • Commentary on claims arising out of the Covid-19 pandemic
  • New commentary on the use of adjudication in the context of shipbuilding and offshore construction
O'Hare & Browne: Civil Litigation 21st Edition

This book explains how the Civil Procedure Rules work in practice. The book covers the entire spectrum of civil litigation providing a step-by-step guide through all stages of a civil action. Features:

  • Provides a practical, comprehensive and detailed guide covering all areas of civil litigation in the High Court and County Court
  • Guides you through the procedure involved in any civil matter
  • Covers all stages of litigation in a logical sequence from pre-action to enforcement and appeals
  • Expert authors provide tactical and strategic advice, examples, tips and solutions
  • Cross-refers to the Civil Procedure Rules and the White Book

The 21st edition has been fully revised and includes new chapters, sections and fuller coverage on:

  • The fixed costs regimes for most cases on the fast track and intermediate track, with examples and explanations of how these new rules affect costs under Part 36 and costs of appeals (costs are now covered in seven chapters)
  • Challenges to the jurisdiction of the court following the service of the claim form which was made late or was otherwise irregular (a new section on Part 11)
  • Guidance on the Court of Appeals restatement of the courts powers to compel parties to attempt ADR and on the new pilot scheme for compulsory mediation in many small claims
  • New cases on the effect of failure to cross-examine expert witnesses and on the making of orders for cross-examination at hearings other than trials
  • Two further new chapters on mediation and the intermediate track
  • Plus coverage of many other recent rule changes and case authorities (including amendments of pleadings, representative actions, injunctions against persons unknown, imaging orders and DDOs, debt relief orders and debt respite schemes)


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Practical Guide to Effective Dispute Resolution: Methods and Clauses 1st Edition

Effective Dispute Resolution: Strategies for Lawyers, Business Managers, and Commercial Dispute Professionals

In the complex world of commercial transactions, disputes are inevitable. Effective Dispute Resolution is a guide to navigating these challenges with confidence and precision.

The aim of this book is to provide practical insights into how to mitigate the economic impact of disputes and the hidden costs of litigation. This includes understanding why disputes escalate and how traditional litigation can polarise a dispute and end up destroying business relationships. The focus is on the active consideration of alternative methods that can save time, reduce costs, and preserve partnerships. The emphasis is on effective, rather than alternative, dispute resolution.

Comprehensive coverage of:

  • Drafting robust dispute resolution clauses to pre-emptively manage conflicts.
  • Non-binding methods: negotiation, mediation, and early neutral evaluation.
  • Binding methods: expert determination, arbitration, and litigation.
  • Hybrid approaches: blended strategies that combine the best of all methods.

Innovative perspectives:

  • The evolution and effectiveness of online dispute resolution and remote hearings.
  • The development and future impact of AI in dispute resolution.
  • The psychology of dispute resolution and the importance of the human factor in effective dispute resolution.
  • Practical tips for in-house counsel and international lawyers to resolve disputes efficiently across jurisdictions.

Whether you are a seasoned dispute resolution lawyer, an in-house legal adviser, or a business manager involved in a dispute, this book offers valuable tools and strategies to achieve optimal outcomes. Drawing on the latest trends and real-world examples, Effective Dispute Resolution serves as a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of commercial dispute management to deliver the most effective outcome.

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Taxation of Partnerships and Private Capital Structures 2nd Edition

Mental Health Act Manual 27th Edition

The Mental Health Act Manual has been fully updated to cover the latest case law and legislative developments.

This book provides readers with a clear understanding of all aspects of the Mental Health Act 1983. The work is a vital tool for busy professionals requiring insight and guidance in the complex area of mental health law. The Act is reproduced alongside the associated Rules and Regulations, all carefully annotated by Richard Jones.

  • Written in a clear, practical style, designed to be accessible to both the medical and legal profession
  • User-friendly style: primary and secondary legislation is annotated in the Parts with the analysis of important contextual aspects of mental health law located in the Annexes
  • Readers benefit from the expertise and advice of one of the most highly respected individuals in the field
  • Includes all the relevant primary and secondary legislation on mental health law with detailed annotations
  • An annotated version of the Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Act 2018 is reproduced.
  • Explains the impact of the 2007 Act, detailing how each section of the MHA 1983 has been affected.
  • Provides guidance on the Code of Practice.

Major developments covered in the twenty-seventh edition include:


  • Re RM Application for Judicial Review (Northern Ireland) where Lady Simler considered the effect of art.15 the Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 which in all material respects is identical to s.17 of the 1983 Act. Her Ladyship held that a period of leave of absence can be regarded as detention in hospital for medical treatment. It follows from RM that there is no need for an in-patient element in the patients care plan to be identified before renewal can take place.
  • Re MK: Deprivation of Liberty and Tier 4 Beds, where Lieven J said the fact that the patients treatment needs may not be well met in a Tier 4 bed simply misses the point and that in her judgement, it must be the case that the State is more likely to achieve its obligations under Article 2 [of the European Convention on Human Rights (the Right to Life)] by keeping [the patient] in a locked unit, than either on a general paediatric ward or in Airbnb with high turnover of staff and not physically designed for containment.
  • Lukes v Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust, where Julian Knowles J held that the conditions for compulsory detention under the 1983 Act for either assessment or treatment are not limited to cases of psychosis, and that having mental capacity is no bar to being detained under the Act.
  • SF (as Nearest Relative of RB) v Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, where Judge Church held that it cannot be the case that treatment that is wholly inadequate for a patients needs can satisfy the appropriate medical treatment test in s.72(b)(iia).
  • Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust v Moon, where the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that nothing in s.23 of the Act precluded a member the committee, frequently referred to as an Associate Hospital Manager, from being a worker under s.230(3)(b) of the Employment Rights Act 1996 and employed under a contract personally to do work, as defined by s.82(2)(a) of the Equality Act 2010.


Reference is made to a new legal framework introduced by the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Court Act 2022 which allows for the remote access by non-participants to proceedings, including tribunal proceedings, that are to be held in public.


An updated version of the Law Societys practice note on Representation before mental health tribunals is reproduced, as well as government guidance on the effect of the Worcestershire decision on the duties of Integrated Care Boards under s.117. New government guidance on the supervision and reporting of conditionally discharged patients is also reproduced.

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Pitt's Employment Law 13th Edition

Set in the context of experience in the workplace as well as within the wider social and political framework, Pitts Employment Law provides a clear and succinct account of employment law and industrial relations law. The work is written in a straightforward and engaging style, making it easy for students to understand the topic and grasp difficult concepts. The work provides a lively and thought-provoking account of key topics, explaining significant cases from the British courts, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights, enabling the reader to grasp the subject as a whole.

New to this edition:

  • First look at the Labour Governments plans for employment law after the 2024 election
  • Gig workers employment status Supreme Court developments
  • Latest post-Brexit legal developments
  • Extension to family leave rights
  • Fall-out from the pandemic cases on redundancy, unfair dismissal and health and safety
  • New right to carers leave
  • Plans for Fair Pay Agreements in social care sector
  • Fire and rehire proposals for change
  • Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023
  • New rights on flexible working
  • Changes to the Working Time Regulations
  • Analysis and insight into more than 40 new cases and statutes


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Colinvaux's Law of Insurance 13th Edition, 2nd Supplement

For comprehensive and clear guidance on insurance contract law you need Colinvauxs Law of Insurance. Divided into three parts, the first section covers the key principles of insurance contracts including terms and conditions, loss and the limits on recovery, causation, subrogation and the notification of claims.

Additional sections focus on the different parties involved and the unique features of special types of insurance contract in the UK, such as liability policies. The commentary expertly examines rights and issues and is supported with analysis of the most recent and significant case law.

The second of the annual supplements updates your thirteenth edition with the very latest decisions and legislative developments.

  • A detailed examination of the key principles, rights and issues of insurance contract law in the United Kingdom.
  • Extensive commentary on the construction of insurance policies explaining issues such as risk, utmost good faith, insurable interest, the premium, claims and loss.
  • Addresses the roles of the different parties involved, including intermediaries and the regulation of insurers.
  • Looks at nine special types of insurance contract: reinsurance, life and accident, property, liability, third party, motor vehicle, financial, marine and war risks.
  • Sets out the rules governing insurance contract wording and phrasing.
  • Includes a dedicated chapter on the rights of insurers.
  • Discusses the insolvency of insurance companies and relevant proceedings, as well as the protection of policyholders.
  • Analyses the most important cases, legislation and regulation.
  • Provides an international dimension with analysis of significant Commonwealth decisions that are affecting the English courts.

Some of the cases featured in this update include:

  • Armstead v Royal Sun Alliance Insurance Co Ltd [2024] UKSC 6
  • Axis Specialty Europe SE v Discovery Land Company LLC [2024] EWCA Civ 7
  • Dassault Aviation SA v Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 5
  • Delos Shipholding SA v Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty SE [2024] EWHC 719 (Comm)
  • Gatwick Investment Ltd v Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE [2024] EWHC 124 (Comm)
  • Herculito Maritime Ltd v Gunvor International BV [2024] UKSC 2
  • Onyeari v Churchil Ltd [2024] EWHC 531 (KB)
  • Royal Sun Alliance Insurance PLC v Textainer Group Holdings Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 547
  • Scotbeef Ltd v DS Storage Ltd [2024] EWHC 341 (TCC)

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Megarry & Wade The Law of Real Property 10th Edition

Megarry Wade: The Law of Real Property is the leading text available on property law, providing comprehensive and authoritative coverage of all aspects of the contemporary law of real property. The work addresses specific areas of law chapter-by-chapter in order to provide a thorough knowledge of the subject, whilst extensive case referencing is used throughout in order to give a practical grounding of the law and its application.

Written by a leading team of academics and practitioners in the field, Megarry Wade is an interesting, thought-provoking and, above all, understandable exposition of both the law and practice of property law. Students, as well as those involved in property law on a day-to-day basis, can turn to Megarry Wade secure in the knowledge that it covers all the key elements by way of a detailed, in-depth analysis.

The Tenth Edition contains the following:

  • Places the development of land law in a historical context and sets out clearly the legal framework for real property, enabling practitioners to put the current law in context
  • Provides a comprehensive examination of the rights and liabilities of landowners, setting out the legal requirements, explaining the technical issues and providing authoritative interpretation of statutes and measured analysis of relevant decisions
  • Deals with the complex issues that can arise in relation to priorities between competing interests, highlighting potential issues and the means to resolve them
  • New rules on dealings with land in the Charities Act 2022 and Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022 and new rules on remote witnessing of wills, and recent case law on testamentary capacity and testamentary fraud
  • Coverage of the Law Commissions Report on the Electronic Execution of Documents (2019)
  • Developments in mortgage law, including recent moratoria and new understandings on mortgage enforcement and the Consumer Credit Act
  • New leasehold provisions under the Building Safety Act 2022 and new leasehold provisions for fitness for human habitation
  • The new occupation contract regime in Wales since 1 December 2022
  • New case law on the effect of registration and the meaning of mistake, including Brelsford v Providence Estate Ltd, on the illegality defence, including Stoffel Co v Grondona, on forfeiture of leases, including Croydon LBC v Kalonga, on town and village greens and commons, including TW Logistics Ltd v Essex CC
  • Updates on formalities for the disposition of interests in land and email signatures and on the remedies available in cases of proprietary estoppel
Hanbury & Martin Modern Equity 23rd Edition

Hanbury Martin: Modern Equity provides an up-to-date and modern account of this challenging area of the law. This twenty-second edition of the long-standing work is the third edition under the present editors. The new edition contains rigorous analysis of the latest in case law and academic debate, with strengthened reference to other common law jurisdictions. Modern Equity continues to be unparalleled in breadth of scope and wealth of detail and remains the authority on equity and trusts law.


Admiralty Claims 2nd Edition

 Admiralty Claims, presents a comprehensive single-volume treatment of admiralty claims aimed particularly at practitioners.

  • Covers the rules and principles peculiar to admiralty claims and explains their relationship with related areas of substantive and adjectival law.
  • Investigates the theoretical underpinnings of the subject, in order to enhance understanding and to indicate novel lines of enquiry.
  • Contains a treatment in terms of detail and theoretical and practical methodology which is clearly superior to currently available treatments.
  • Offers an in-depth treatment of the whole of Admiralty Claims and jurisdiction.
  • Combines both a principled and a practical approach.
  • Highlights and explains the distinction between admiralty and ordinary claims rules.
  • Incorporates discussion of international conventions, European Union law and the expected effects of Brexit.
  • Has been written by two of the leading UK academics in maritime law
The second edition includes the following updates:
  • The chapter on the jurisdiction of the English courts has been greatly shortened and simplified, including coverage of anti-suit relief, now that the UK will not be ratifying the Lugano Convention and has given effect to the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements 2005.
  • Other Brexit-related developments have included streamlining the chapter on insolvency in the light of the falling away of the EU Insolvency Regulation and the resulting universal application of the Model Law on transborder insolvency.
  • Changes to the CPR to reintroduce a limited right to start at least some proceedings within the admiralty jurisdiction in the County Court
Case law has been comprehensively updated, including on:
  • Limitation of liability, notably in The MSC Flaminia [2023] EWCA Civ 1007 and The Stema Barge II [2021] EWCA Civ 1880 on entitlement to limit;
  • time-bars, with the confirmation in The Giant Ace (No. 2) [2023] EWCA Civ 569 of the width of Art III r 6 of the Hague-Visby Rules; and
  • anti-suit relief, with confirmation by the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court in Unicredit Bank GmbH v Ruschemalliance LLC (2024) that it is available to protect an obligation to arbitrate in a non-English seat
Carver on Charterparties 3rd Edition

 Carver on Charterparties, in conjunction with Carver on Bills of Lading, covers the ground of the classic 1982 treatise Carver’s Carriage by Sea. Carver on Charterparties, 3rd edition, builds upon the thematic synthesis and analysis in this fundamental area of shipping law.

  • Explains charterparties, their nature and characteristics
  • Covers the parties, formation and interpretation of the charterparty as a contract
  • Describes how charterparties apply to the vessel, the cargo and the voyage
  • Discusses cargo claims
  • Examines demise, time and voyage charterparties
  • Addresses laytime and demurrage
  • Analyses discharge by frustration and breach
  • Covers damages and other remedies
The third edition covers a number of major cases since the second edition, including:
  • Unicredit Bank AG v Euronav NV (The Sienna) [2023] EWCA Civ 471 (relationship between charterparties and bills of lading)
  • Alize 1954 v Allianz Elementar Versicherungs AG (The CMA CGM Libra) [2021] UKSC 51 (seaworthiness; vessel passage plan; whether seaworthiness confined to vessel attributes; relationship between seaworthiness and navigation)
  • Gravelor Shipping Ltd v GTLK Asia M5 Ltd [2023] EWHC 131 (Comm) (arrangements for purchase of ship under demise charterparty)
  • SK Shipping PLC v Capital VLCC 3 Corp (The C Challenger) [2020] EWHC 3448 (Comm); [2022] EWCA Civ 231 (fitness for service; shipowner’s consent to deduction from hire; election and reservation of rights; nature of speed and consumption warranties; Shelltime 4 maintenance clause)
  • Eastern Pacific Chartering Inc v Pola Maritime Ltd (The Divinegate) [2022] EWHC 2095 (Comm) (calculating underperformance in speed and consumption warranties)
  • Herculito Maritime Ltd v Gunvor International BC (The Polar) [2024] UKSC 2 (whether insurance rights exclude normal recourse rights)
  • K Line Pte v Priminds Shipping (HK) Co Ltd (The Eternal Bliss) [2021] EWCA Civ 1712 (whether damages recoverable in addition to demurrage or deadfreight)
Law of Artificial Intelligence 2nd Edition

The Law of Artificial Intelligence is an essential practitioner's reference text examining the application of current regulation and civil and criminal laws to AI and emerging areas of AI-specific regulation and proposed law reforms. Topics include the fundamentals of AI technology, the general regulatory landscape and key regulatory frameworks, liability for harms involving AI, including product liability and professional negligence, IP and privacy and their impact on the training, use and outputs of AI, competition law concerns, criminal law and agency. The book also covers ethics and the use of AI within legal services and the administration of justice.

The second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated including greatly expanded coverage of "generative" AI and new chapters on Human Rights, Public Law, Employment Law, Financial Services and Autonomous Vehicles.

The book is edited by the leading AI experts Matt Hervey, Head of Artificial Intelligence Law at Gowling WLG (UK) LLP, and Matthew Lavy KC at 4 Pump Court. The chapters are by specialists from the bar, private practice, academia and industry.

Thomson Reuters ProView Also available as an eBook on Thomson Reuters ProView

Thomson Reuters ProView is custom built for legal professionals like you.

Consumer Credit Law and Regulation 1st Edition

Consumer credit is a highly technical area of the law and, for both the uninitiated and experienced practitioners, the intricacies of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (the Act) can prove overwhelming. Locating, interpreting and applying the correct provisions applicable at the relevant time can be a daunting task. As the Act approaches its fiftieth year and is on the verge of major reform, this new book provides an easy-to-follow, practical, single-volume guide to this challenging area.

Consumer Credit Law and Regulation sets out the scope of the Act, introduces its key concepts and shows how it regulates the customer journey from pre-contract matters to enforcement. The practical perspectives on this complicated legislation will prove essential reading for those new to consumer credit law, as well as a vital reference guide for established practitioners. This accessible analysis of key aspects of the Consumer Credit Act enables readers to understand both the structure of the legislation and to navigate the text itself when searching for relevant material. These key topics are organised as follows:

  • The regulatory landscape
  • Authorisation
  • Categorisation of agreements
  • Drafting of agreements
  • Pre-contractual matters
  • Matters arising during the agreement
  • Connected lender liability
  • Settlement and termination
  • Unfair relationships
  • Litigation and procedure

Thomson Reuters ProView Also available as an eBook on Thomson Reuters ProView

Thomson Reuters ProView is custom built for legal professionals like you.

Limitation Periods, 9th Edition, Mainwork + Supplement

 Limitation Periods by Professor Andrew McGee is a well-established and definitive text now in its ninth edition. Professor McGee steers practitioners through the complexities of the law of limitations, giving detailed guidance in all areas of law from preliminary issues to proceedings. The book is designed to help bring an action in good time and remedy delays which may lead to striking out. The book covers European and international limitation issues.

The First Supplement to the 9th Edition brings this well-established and definitive text fully up-to-date, including significant case law such as: Kekwick v Kekwick (Meaning of ''action'' and ''proceeding'' and the differences between them); Boxxe Ltd v Secretary of State for Justice, Walton v Pickerings Solicitors (the calculation of time and the differences between issue and service); Lees v Kaye (what counts as ''personal injury''); Jalla v Shell, Honda Pension Trustees v Mercer Ltd (continuing torts); James v Scudamore (Laches).

Clerk & Lindsell on Torts 24th, Mainwork + Supplement

 Clerk & Lindsell on Torts, one of our flagship titles and part of the Common Law Library series, is an essential reference tool which is widely referred to by practitioners and cited by the judiciary. It offers the most comprehensive coverage of the subject, providing the end user with indispensable access to current, frequent and unrivalled authoritative information on all aspects of tort law.

Key Features:

  • Provides unrivalled breadth and depth of coverage on all areas of tort law
  • Sets out the general principles of liability and causation
  • Explains in detail general defences, such as claimant’s wrongdoing, consent and assumption of risk, exclusion of liability and miscellaneous defences
  • Covers all areas of tort, from joint liability and vicarious liability to capacity and parties, from negligence to breach of statutory duty and professional liability, and from product liability and occupiers’ liability to employers’ liability and public service liability
  • Deals with other important areas from malicious prosecution to wrongful interference with goods, from deceit to trespass to land, from liability for animals to nuisance and Rylands v Fletcher, and from malicious falsehood to the economic torts
  • Discusses statutory IP rights and passing of
  • Includes fully updated and detailed chapters on defamation, breach of confidence and misuse of private information
  • Deals extensively with damages and other remedies including injunctions
  • Covers limitation periods in detail
  • Considers all heads of liability with regard to the relevant human rights issues
  • Takes full account of the effects of Brexit

The First Supplement to the Twenty-Fourth Edition brings the Main Work fully up to date with the latest developments (including, where appropriate, the fallout from the completion of the Brexit process). These include, among others:

In the Supreme Court:

  • Armstead v Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Co Ltd
    • Paul v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
    • McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board
    • Jalla v Shell International Trading & Shipping Co
    • HXA v Surrey CC
  • Wolverhampton City Council v London Gypsies and Travellers
  • >

In other courts:

  • Holmes v Poeton Holdings Ltd
  • Bratt v Jones
  • Keskinäinen Vakuutusyhtiö Fennia v Koninklijke Philips NV (C-264/21)
  • Benyatov v Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Ltd
  • FXJ v Home Secretary

Other material:

  • The new s.A7 of the Higher Education and Research Act 2017 on breach of statutory duty
Arnould: Law of Marine Insurance and Average 21st Edition

 Arnould Law of Marine Insurance and Average explains the form, contents and construction of marine insurance policies, and the procedures and evidence required in bringing a case.

  • Provides a in-depth commentary and analysis of the principles, law and practice of marine insurance
  • Offers a first port of call for guidance and insight on the principles of marine insurance and their application in cases
  • Discusses legislation and market clauses
  • Provides a detailed examination of the matters which affect validity of cover
  • Analyses the coverage of marine policies, the measure of indemnity and the rights and duties of the parties
MacGillivray on Insurance Law 15th Edition, 2nd Supplement

Rely on over one hundred years of legal authority with MacGillivray on Insurance Law. This title is the market-leading resource on non-maritime commercial insurance and risk, providing you with comprehensive and clear guidance through its examination of the most recent cases and legislative developments.

It covers general principles of UK insurance law such as misrepresentation and good faith and gives a detailed examination of loss, explaining key themes like causation and the necessity for notice. It also looks at particular classes of business with chapters on third party risks and liability policies, the rights of third parties against the insurer, the rights of two or more insurers and the law governing double insurance.

This second cumulative supplement ensures that you are current with the very latest insurance law developments over the past year and is available in print, online and as an eBook.

  • Comprehensive guidance on non-maritime commercial insurance and risk through the analysis of cases and legislation.
  • Detailed explanations of the general principles and rules of commercial insurance, risk and loss.
  • Covers good faith and the duty of disclosure, warranties, the premium, misrepresentation, subrogation and more.
  • Examines the rules on the formation, drafting and termination of insurance contracts.
  • Advises on different classes of business including life insurance, personal accident policies, property, motor vehicle and aviation.
  • Looks at the different parties involved with dedicated chapters on insurance companies, Lloyds policies and the role of agents.
  • Defines insurance and insurable interest.
  • Highlights issues of fraud and non-disclosure by third parties
  • .
  • Full analysis of the Insurance Act 2015, its changes to the law and the consequences for disputes.
  • Outlines how insurance policies are constructed while explaining the meaning of words and addressing inconsistencies in phrasing.
  • Commentary on the rights of two or more insurers and third party rights.

Thomson Reuters ProView Also available as an eBook on Thomson Reuters ProView

Thomson Reuters ProView is custom built for legal professionals like you.

Jervis on Coroners 15th Edition

Navigate the landscape of coronial law with Jervis on Coroners. This quintessential guide is the leading resource for anyone involved in a coroners inquest or investigation, taking you step-by-step through the practice and procedure. From the fundamental principles to the complexity of homicide cases, disasters, prescribed diseases and notifiable accidents, this work provides detail and insight across the full spectrum of issues that you might encounter.

Jervis on Coroners is more than just a reference its the key to understanding the nuances of this legal system and the specific powers and duties of the coroner. With a logical structure and all-angles approach it is essential reading for coroners, solicitors and barristers, local government officials and medical examiners. Secure your copy now to ensure that you are equipped with the expertise to handle even the most intricate of cases with confidence and authority.

  • The authority on coronial law and its practice in coroner inquests and investigations.
  • Consolidates all relevant procedures, rules, materials and legislation to deliver complete guidance on this legal system.
  • Explains the classification, appointment and function of coroners and medical examiners and their territorial jurisdiction.
  • Covers all matters relevant to beginning an investigation, outlining the basis for a coronial investigation and the required reports and certificates.
  • Addresses the scope of an investigation and the four statutory questions: who died, how, when and where?
  • Looks at issues of information and publicity such as disclosure, data protection, freedom of information, privilege and coroners powers to obtain such information.
  • Guidance on procedures before an inquest, during the preliminaries and at the inquest itself.
  • Commentary on special cases of homicide, notifiable accidents and prescribed diseases, treasure and major disasters.
  • Outlines post-inquest matters including administration, fees, appeals and statutory and judicial review.
  • Additional analysis of the international dimension of coroners and human rights.
  • Accompanied with legislation, forms and precedents.


Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases 11th Edition, 1st Supplement

First published in 1890, Stroud is long established as the foremost dictionary of the English law as it has been interpreted by the courts and in statutory material. In three volumes, Stroud is a comprehensive and indispensable tool for the practitioner and a unique source for the researcher, providing quick access to exact, authoritative meanings.

Stroud's Judicial Dictionary remains the starting point for research into the meaning of all words and phrases that come to be used in a legal context. Unlike Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law, which provides an authoritative definition of technical legal concepts, Stroud records how any expression that happens to occur in a legal document or be referred to for a legal purpose has been construed by the courts or defined in legislation.

The First Supplement to the Eleventh Edition includes:

  • 160 pages of updates;
  • New material for long-standing entries such as: Activity; Appropriate; Business; Compensation; Court; Due; Dwelling; Employee; Habitual residence; Incidental; Jurisdiction; Matter; Oil; Person; Proceedings; Reckless; Suitable; Trade; Trust; and Value.
  • New entries including: Bitcoin; Bottom-trawling; Car-cruising; Cash buyer; Dog-leg claim; Face to face; Independent tronc operator; Mohajir; Paper trade document; Quasi-partnership; Rambo; SMS Message; Salami slicing; Screwed; SLAPP claim; and Zombie knife.

Thomson Reuters ProView Also available as an eBook on Thomson Reuters ProView

Thomson Reuters ProView is custom built for legal professionals like you.

Clerk & Lindsell on Torts 24th Edition, 1st Supplement

Clerk Lindsell on Torts, one of our flagship titles and part of the Common Law Library series, is an essential reference tool which is widely referred to by practitioners and cited by the judiciary. It offers the most comprehensive coverage of the subject, providing the end user with indispensable access to current, frequent and unrivalled authoritative information on all aspects of tort law.

Key Features:

  • Provides unrivalled breadth and depth of coverage on all areas of tort law
  • Sets out the general principles of liability and causation
  • Explains in detail general defences, such as claimants wrongdoing, consent and assumption of risk, exclusion of liability and miscellaneous defences
  • Covers all areas of tort, from joint liability and vicarious liability to capacity and parties, from negligence to breach of statutory duty and professional liability, and from product liability and occupiers liability to employers liability and public service liability
  • Deals with other important areas from malicious prosecution to wrongful interference with goods, from deceit to trespass to land, from liability for animals to nuisance and Rylands v Fletcher, and from malicious falsehood to the economic torts
  • Discusses statutory IP rights and passing of
  • Includes fully updated and detailed chapters on defamation, breach of confidence and misuse of private information
  • Deals extensively with damages and other remedies including injunctions
  • Covers limitation periods in detail
  • Considers all heads of liability with regard to the relevant human rights issues
  • Takes full account of the effects of Brexit

The First Supplement to the Twenty-Fourth Edition brings the Main Work fully up to date with the latest developments (including, where appropriate, the fallout from the completion of the Brexit process). These include, among others:

In the Supreme Court:

  • Armstead v Royal Sun Alliance Insurance Co Ltd
    • Paul v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
    • McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board
    • Jalla v Shell International Trading Shipping Co
    • HXA v Surrey CC
    • Wolverhampton City Council v London Gypsies and Travellers

In other courts:

  • Holmes v Poeton Holdings Ltd
  • Bratt v Jones
  • Keskininen Vakuutusyhti Fennia v Koninklijke Philips NV (C-264/21)
  • Benyatov v Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Ltd
  • FXJ v Home Secretary

Other material:

  • The new s.A7 of the Higher Education and Research Act 2017 on breach of statutory duty

Thomson Reuters ProView Also available as an eBook on Thomson Reuters ProView

Thomson Reuters ProView is custom built for legal professionals like you.

Limitation Periods 9th Edition, 1st Supplement

Limitation Periods by Professor Andrew McGee is a well-established and definitive text now in its ninth edition. Professor McGee steers practitioners through the complexities of the law of limitations, giving detailed guidance in all areas of law from preliminary issues to proceedings. The book is designed to help bring an action in good time and remedy delays which may lead to striking out. The book covers European and international limitation issues.

The First Supplement to the 9th Edition brings this well-established and definitive text fully up-to-date, including significant case law such as: Kekwick v Kekwick (Meaning of 'action' and 'proceeding' and the differences between them); Boxxe Ltd v Secretary of State for Justice, Walton v Pickerings Solicitors (the calculation of time and the differences between issue and service); Lees v Kaye (what counts as 'personal injury'); Jalla v Shell, Honda Pension Trustees v Mercer Ltd (continuing torts); James v Scudamore (Laches).

Thomson Reuters ProView Also available as an eBook on Thomson Reuters ProView

Thomson Reuters ProView is custom built for legal professionals like you.