![]() | Hong Kong Law Journal Founded in 1971, Hong Kong Law Journal is the leading scholarly journal on the common law in Hong Kong, and the law in China in the English language. The journal also publishes comparative, jurisprudential, international, and interdisciplinary material relevant to the study of law. All contributions are refereed. The Journal enjoys a wide circulation throughout the common law world. It is available online on a current, full text basis on Westlaw. It is indexed by Scopus, the Social Sciences Citation Index, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, and the Index to Legal Periodicals and Books, and abstracted on the Social Science Research Network.
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![]() | The Conflict of Laws in Hong Kong, Fourth Edition The 4th edition of The Conflicts of Law in Hong Kong is pertinent to the determination of governing law, jurisdiction and related issues in cases with a cross-border element in Hong Kong. | |
![]() | Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong, 4th Edition Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong is the authoritative work on tort law in Hong Kong and frequently cited in court, with references to overseas authorities and academic commentary. | |
![]() | Construction Law and Practice in Hong Kong, Fifth Edition Construction Law & Practice in Hong Kong, 5th Edition seeks to serve those in the construction industry as well as the legal profession, and has been updated to incorporate the changes and solutions adopted for the challenges in the Hong Kong construction industry. | |
![]() | Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap.571): Commentary & Annotations 2025 Edition The definitive work on the operation and understanding of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap.571). | |
![]() | Law of Evidence in Hong Kong, Second Edition A comprehensive, focused and easy-to-understand examination of the law of evidence in Hong Kong | |
![]() | Archbold Hong Kong 2025 The essential reference manual on criminal law, procedure, sentencing and practice in Hong Kong | |
![]() | Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2025 (The White Book) Endorsed by the Hong Kong Judiciary, Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2025 (The White Book) is the definitive reference manual on the rules of civil procedure and practice in Hong Kong. | |
![]() | Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest (HKLRD) 2024: The Authorised HKLRD Print Parts Service with FREE ProView version As the only authorised law reporting service in Hong Kong, HKLRD provides an authoritative, consistent and authentic statement of the law. | |
![]() | The Authorised Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Reports (HKCFAR) 2024 This prestigious product is the official law reporting service of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal and consists of judgments of great significance. All headnotes are reviewed by the Court of Final Appeal, guaranteeing the highest level of accuracy and quality. A unique feature of this product is that it contains Chinese translations of all headnotes. | |
![]() | Financial Institutions (Resolution) Ordinance (Cap. 628): Commentary and Annotations, 2nd Edition The Second Edition of the Financial Institutions (Resolution) Ordinance (Cap 628): Commentary and Annotations provides updates to the Ordinance as well as subsidiary enacted Regulations and Rules. It fully examines and analyzes the law. | |
![]() | Clough & Clough on Personal Injuries Clough & Clough on Personal Injuries provides an easy reference point for key areas of personal injuries (“PI”) litigation. | |
![]() | Archbold Hong Kong 2024 The essential reference manual on criminal law, procedure, sentencing and practice in Hong Kong | |
![]() | Tort Law in Hong Kong, Fifth Edition Tort Law in Hong Kong, now in its fifth edition, is both a learning tool for intending lawyers and the most up-to-date and comprehensive tort law resource for legal practitioners, academics and judges. The focus is on the Hong Kong law and context. The new edition provides critical analysis of more than 300 court decisions from Hong Kong and relevant overseas jurisdictions. | |
![]() | Law of Companies in Hong Kong, 4th Edition Law of Companies in Hong Kong (Fourth Edition) continues to be the main substantive text on Hong Kong company law since the commencement in 2014 of the current Companies Ordinance (Cap.622). This text provides detailed analysis of main areas of company law as set out in case law and legislation, covering both the Companies Ordinance (Cap.622) and the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap.32). | |
![]() | Croc and Roll Law The fifth book in Justice Bokhary''''s Crocodile series, Croc and Roll Law distills constitutional law principles into easily understandable language with hand-painted illustrations from two of his grandsons.
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![]() | Company Law in Hong Kong: Insolvency, 2023 Company Law in Hong Kong – Insolvency covers the major aspects of corporate insolvency law in Hong Kong. | |
![]() | Company Law in Hong Kong: Practice and Procedure, 2023 Company Law in Hong Kong – Practice and Procedure covers the main areas of core company law, including major parts of the Companies Ordinance (Cap.622) (“CO”). | |
![]() | Journal of International and Comparative Law JICL promotes international legal research and scholarship. In addition to articles by scholars and practitioners on “black letter law,” we welcome interdisciplinary contributions especially those that tangibly link such disciplines as social sciences, economics, international politics and other fields of research and academic debate that may be more empirically based but of major significance in influencing the focus and reform of law in its national and global contexts. Submissions are welcome for publication in 2024. Articles may be submitted to Professor Anton Cooray of City Law School, The City, University of London at to whom any inquiries may also be directed.
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![]() | Law and Justice in Hong Kong: Principles of the Legal System, Fourth Edition Exceptionally accessible and comprehensive text on the legal system of Hong Kong, trusted by cohort after cohort of students sitting for law school, conversion, or professional examinations on the subject. | |
![]() | Hong Kong Basic Law Handbook, 3rd Edition Hong Kong Basic Law Handbook continues to be the definitive work for anyone interested in understanding the operation of the Basic Law. A number of significant developments in constitutional law have taken place since the publication of the first edition in 2015 and second edition in 2019. | |
![]() | Arbitration in Hong Kong - A Practical Guide, 5th Edition Arbitration Law in Hong Kong: A Practical Guide is the leading text on Arbitration in the Hong Kong jurisdiction. It includes contributions from the pre-eminent arbitrators in the region and is overseen by Editor-in-Chief, Geoffrey Ma, GBM, QC,SC and General Editor, Denis Brock. | |
![]() | Criminal Litigation in Hong Kong - 4th Edition This book covers criminal litigation from a uniquely practical perspective: it starts with how to receive instructions from clients and takes you through the entire litigation process. | |
![]() | Civil Litigation in Hong Kong, 6th Edition Civil Litigation in Hong Kong is a practical guide to the rules of civil procedure in Hong Kong and is a companion to The Hong Kong White Book. It has been written by practitioners based on their experience of handling civil litigation cases before the courts of Hong Kong. It provides commentary, sample documents and checklists. | |
![]() | Commissions of Inquiry in Hong Kong, First Edition This is the first text that "tells you all you want to know" about Commissions of Inquiry in Hong Kong. It is a practical guide drawing on the experience and expertise of the author team. | |
![]() | Criminal Procedure in Hong Kong, 2nd Edition Criminal Procedure in Hong Kong, Second Edition is a comprehensive guide on the many and varied aspects of criminal procedure and the criminal justice system in Hong Kong. | |
![]() | Colinvaux's Law of Insurance in Hong Kong, 4th Edition Colinvaux’s Law of Insurance in Hong Kong, Fourth Edition is the definitive reference manual on insurance law and practice in Hong Kong. Modelled on the UK edition, which is now in its 12th edition, and authored by Robert Merkin QC, the text has been adapted specifically for the Hong Kong insurance market. | |
![]() | Insights into IFRS Applying IFRS® Standards to real transactions and arrangements can be a significant challenge. And as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact companies, communicating effectively to investors and other stakeholders has never been more important. Insights into IFRS is based on KPMG member firms’ experience of applying IFRS Standards around the world and explains our views on many interpretative issues. We’ve taken the questions that we’ve received and turned them into practical guidance to help you apply IFRS Standards to your situation. Key features:
New to this edition:
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![]() | Law of the Hong Kong Constitution, 3rd Edition | |
![]() | Companies Ordinance (Cap.622): Commentary and Annotations 2021
The company is a critical legal concept in all modern legal systems and an essential vehicle for investment and economic function. The Companies Ordinance (Cap.622) governs the incorporation, powers, authority and functions of companies in Hong Kong. It is a huge legislation comprising 921 Sections, 11 Schedules and 13 Subsidiary Legislations, including the new Non-Hong Kong Companies (Disclosure of Company Name, Place of Incorporation and Members’ Limited Liability) Regulation (Cap.622M, Sub.Leg.) which came into effect on 1 August 2019. Now in its 7th edition, the Companies Ordinance (Cap.622): Commentary and Annotations 2021 continues to be the definitive practitioner guide to the understanding and operation of the Companies Ordinance. Kingsley Ong, Partner at Eversheds Sutherland and Alice Leung, Partner at Anthony Siu & Co continue as General Editors. Written by a team of leading company law specialists, this two-volume work is an essential text for all company law practitioners, academics and students. | |
![]() | The Constitutional Crocodile The Constitutional Crocodile turns a “cartoon law book” series from a quartet into a set of five. Fuller than any of its predecessors. it cites: 13 constitutional, international and transnational instruments; 13 statutes; 118 cases; 92 books; and 31 articles and reports. It depicts 113 kinds of animal. The book also includes a painting as well as accompanying text by Justice Bokhary’s eldest grandson. Justice Bokhary and his grandson feel that ideas — whether amounting to a mountain or merely a molehill — are worth offering if offered humbly and respectfully as are their ideas here.
In this fascinating volume, Mr Justice Kemal Bokhary turns his attention to matters relating to Constitutions. The genial and insightful judge, along with his fabulous Croc, glides effortlessly through the constitutional waters of diverse jurisdictions, mapping out their contours and plumbing their depths for the enlightenment and amusement of lay and law-literate readers alike. He and Croc are ably assisted in this endeavour by a myriad of other animals whose valuable legal opinions are engagingly and colourfully sketched out, as well as by members of the learned judge’s family, whose voices give the text a wonderfully personal touch.
Foreword by The Right Honourable The Lord Scott of Foscote
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![]() | ALB Guide to Shanghai STAR Market IPOs 2021 | ALB上海科创板首次公开发行手册2021 Asian Legal Business is proud to announce that it has published the Asian Legal Business Guide to Shanghai STAR Market IPOs 2021. This Guide, which took over one year to put together, provides guidance to companies on solving a variety of issues they might face in their listing journey on the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s STAR Market. The IPO handbook features a number of topics on issue that a company needs to consider during its listing journey, with advice provided by experts who have been offering IPO-related services since the beginning of the new STAR Market and have the most up-to-date knowhow. These include: • Pre-IPO preparation and IPO application process The list of contributors and supporting organizations include Carey Olsen, Commerce & Finance Law Offices, CM Law, DeHeng Law Offices, East & Concord Partners, Grandway Law Offices, Hai Run Law Firm, Jia Yuan Law Offices, Jingtian & Gongcheng, Shihui Partners, T&C Law Firm. To request for a complimentary digital copy of the handbook, click here to register now. The handbook is also available for purchase at HKD550 each. Limited copies are available. Order yours now! | |
Equity and Trusts in Hong Kong: Doctrines, Remedies and Institutions, 2nd Edition • Discusses the worlds’ first detailed consideration of anti-Bartlett clauses by an appellate court in the Court of Final Appeal’s decision in Zhang Hong Li v DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd [2019] HKCFA 45. | ||
Business Law in Hong Hong, 6th Edition Business Law in Hong Kong continues to provide an analysis of the general principles relating to the laws of business and the legal system in Hong Kong | ||
![]() | IPO Handbook for Hong Kong 2020 IPO Handbook for Hong Kong 2020 Asian Legal Business is proud to announce that it has published the 2020 edition of its popular Hong Kong IPO Handbook. The handbook, which took a year to put together, covers a number of topics and chapters including Hong Kong dual-class shares, legal issues related to the listing of red chips, IPO application process, and tax consideration in an IPO, among others. The list of contributors and supporting organizations include ACMI Asia Capital Markets Institute, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, Appleby, BDO Hong Kong, Beijing DHH Law Firm, CLSA, CMB Wing Lung Bank, Commerce & Finance Law Offices, DeHeng Law Offices, Grandall Law Firm, iDeals Solutions, Jingtian & Gocheng, LC Lawyers, ONC Lawyers, Porda Havas, SWCS. Wisdom Investor Relations, ACC Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Investor Relations Association. To request for a complimentary digital copy of the handbook, click here to register now. The handbook is also available for purchase at HKD480 each. Limited copies are available. Order yours now! | |
Competition Ordinance (Cap.619): Commentary & Annotations • Authored and annotated by Knut Fournier, Chairman of the Hong Kong Competition Association. • This work reproduces the full text of the Competition Ordinance (Cap.619) together with section-by-section analyses and commentaries with references to relevant case law and other legislation.
• Included in the annotations are definitions of words and phrases as well as practical applications of the provisions.
• Competition regimes of other jurisdictions are referred to and compared with wherever relevant.
• Guidelines of the Hong Kong Competition Commission and Hong Kong Communications Authority are reproduced in full, making this a comprehensive resource on Competition Law.
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Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) came into force internationally on 1 January, 1988. 2018 marked the 30th anniversary of its coming into force. So far, CISG has been favourably received by the international community as it helps remove legal barriers for international trade and diminishes uncertainties caused by the private international law system and facilitates contract negotiations in international transactions. Three fundamental issues are addressed by the CISG:
As we celebrate over three decades of this unique experiment at unifying and harmonising the law on international sale contracts and count the increasing membership of the international convention, it is also time to revisit a few specific issues that have arisen from the application of the convention. | ||
Criminal Appeals in Hong Kong
Criminal Appeals in Hong Kong provides a concise and comprehensive explanation of criminal appeals in all criminal jurisdictions in Hong Kong. A chapter is devoted to each of the courts in Hong Kong and a step-by-step guide is provided to assist practitioners in deciding whether to commence an appeal or to respond to an appeal. The key statutory provisions are set out in a clear manner and key cases are discussed to explain the central legal issues. Applicable Practice Directions are included. The book also contains a detailed historical account of the development of criminal appeals in Hong Kong and a chapter explaining the court structure and the role of the prosecution. The constitutional significance of criminal appeals is explained including the meaning and scope of art 11(4) of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights and relevant provisions in the Basic Law. The importance of criminal appeals to the Rule of Law is a central theme in the book.
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Cayman Islands Company and Commercial Law, Second Edition
Cayman Islands Company and Commercial Law is the only publication that focuses exclusively on the Cayman Islands. The book provides a deep analytical view of the offshore jurisdiction’s legal landscape as it relates to companies, partnerships, credit and security, mutual funds, insolvency, dispute resolution, taxation, trusts and more. The Second Edition will keep you fully up-to-date on one of the world’s most utilized corporate jurisdictions. The use of offshore vehicles for international financial transactions and the incorporation of companies is the preference for most entities here in the Asia Pacific region. The Cayman Islands continues to be the ‘hot’ jurisdiction for offshore companies and commercial work, as well as the choice now to set up an offshore financial center. This new second edition examines and updates the major changes which occurred over the last four years, including: 1. Impact of the new Cayman Islands Limited Liability Companies law since its enactment in 2016 – resulting in 391 Cayman LLCs formed and another 16 transferred by way of continuation from other jurisdictions from 1 July 2016 – 19 May 2017; 2. New supplemental legislation formed in relation to the Tax Information Authority (International Tax Compliance) (Common Reporting Standard) Regulations, 2015; 3. New requirement of obtaining professional Indemnity Insurance for those who deal with Trusts, Insurance, Mutual Fund Administration, Securities Investments and Company Managers, Licensees, and Directors; 4. Amended structure for investment funds, etc. | ||
![]() | Habeas Crocodylus Habeas Crocodylus is Justice Kemal Bokhary’s fourth cartoon law book. Like his previous books, this one covers topics of interest to lawyers and members of the general public. Topics as diverse as animal rights, democracy, the environment, language, rule of law and socio-economic rights, to the judicial protection of personal liberty by the writ of habeas corpus are addressed with the Judge’s characteristic wit and humour, but always to make points meant to be taken seriously. And like his previous books, it is important the topics covered in this book are made available to young readers.
“ [Mr Justice Bokhary] has written five books, with this his sixth, all for the same purpose — to explain the law and its principles with humour and wisdom to non-lawyers, especially young people, so they would come to know and love the law. I hope you will read his works and come to know and love the man, and his Crocky. ” – From the Foreword by Audrey Eu SC | |
![]() | ADR in Hong Kong The comprehensive and concise resource for anyone interested in Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR in Hong Kong is a comprehensive resource written in simple, easy-to-understand language for anyone interested in Alternative Dispute Resolution. It explains the theory and concepts from a practical viewpoint, to enable practitioners to understand the subject with the view of developing a successful career in this area.
The text examines changes brought about by the two Amendment Ordinances passed in June 2017:
• Arbitration (Amendment) Ordinance 2017
• Arbitration and Mediation Legislation (Third Party Funding) (Amendment) Ordinance 2017
Blending theory with actual practice
This text focuses on concepts and practical aspects by blending theory with practice derived from real-life cases and examples
Written by experienced practitioners
• Dr. Christopher To, Barrister-at-Law; Programme Director of LLM in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution at City University of Hong Kong. • Mr. Simon So, Barrister-at-Law.
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British Virgin Islands Commercial Law, Fourth Edition • The only authoritative reference source with comprehensive coverage of the British Virgin Islands offshore market • Authored by Harney Westwood & Riegels, a leading law firm in the British Virgin Islands
• Approximately 40% of the content has been updated from the previous edition - Keeping you abreast of one
of the world’s fastest developing jurisdictions, including:
– Review and analysis of the new BVI laws and regulations on the companies and financial regimes
– Analysis of key appellate court decisions
– Examination of the new regulatory guidance provided by the BVI Financial Services Commission regarding money services
– A brand new chapter on BVI Insurance Law
– Review of the recent changes to the BVI Business Companies Act
– Analysis of the new Limited Partnership Act
– Examination of the BVI’s new beneficial ownership regime
British Virgin Islands Commercial Law is the only publication that focuses exclusively on the British Virgin Islands. The book provides a deep analytical view of the offshore jurisdiction’s legal landscape as it relates to companies, partnerships, credit and security, mutual funds, insolvency, dispute resolution, taxation, trusts and more.
Approximately 40% of the content has been updated – Keeping you fully abreast of one of the world’s fastest developing jurisdictions This new edition continues to follow the major changes which have occurred as a result of the BVI Business Companies (Amendment) Acts of 2015 and 2016 which are now in force along with the new BVI Business Companies Regulations. The examination of these major changes and incorporation of new legal developments, plus the inclusion of a brand new chapter on BVI Insurance Law makes this edition a must-have for anyone with interests in BVI law and practice.
Written by practitioners expert in the jurisdiction
Harney Westwood & Riegels is a leading international offshore law firm headquartered in the British Virgin Islands.
* All royalties from book sales will be donated by Harneys to relief efforts for Hurricane Irma.
All customers from the Middle East, Europe and British Virgin Islands interested in British Virgin Islands Commercial Law, Fourth Edition, please contact UK office at for quotations and orders. | ||
Landlord & Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap.7): Commentary & Annotations An analytical guide to all aspects of this Ordinance as it relates to property ownership and duty of care. The publication analyses and covers the law regulating public, private, and commercial tenants; freeholders; lease holders; repairing responsibilities; duty to maintain a safe environment, etc. | ||
Apology Ordinance (Cap.631): Commentary and Annotations The thorough commentary, informed by comparative law … makes the book an asset not only for readers involved in the application of the Ordinance in Hong Kong, but also for those involved in the interpretation and application of similar provisions in other parts of the world. From the Foreword by the Honourable Mr Justice French AC, NPJ, Former Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia
The Apology Ordinance (Cap.631) came into effect on 1 December 2017. Along with the Arbitration Ordinance (Cap.609) and Mediation Ordinance (Cap.620), the Apology Ordinance is the third in a trilogy of Hong Kong legislation that promotes non-litigious settlement of civil disputes. The Ordinance aims to promote and encourage the making of apologies with a view to preventing the escalation of disputes and facilitating their amicable resolution. This is the first stand-alone legislation on apology in Asia. Of particular significance, the Hong Kong legislation is the first in the world to define “apology” to include statements of fact (see s.8(2) of the Ordinance).
Apology Ordinance (Cap.631): Commentary and Annotations is a comprehensive commentary and annotation to the 13 sections and Schedule of the Ordinance. It provides a detailed analysis of the words and context of the legislation and of cases decided prior to the enactment of the legislation, as well as comparative content from common law jurisdictions with related legislation such as Australia, Canada and USA. Annotations are enhanced by the inclusion of useful Appendices one of which sets out the history of apology legislation around the world, and another which sets out the development of the Apology Ordinance in Hong Kong.
Lawyers and judges can draw on this text in their interpretation of the Ordinance. An extremely useful resource for other readers including practitioners involved in negotiations or mediation to resolve civil disputes which might lead to litigation. | ||
The Hong Kong Anti-Discrimination Ordinances: Commentary & Annotations (Collected Volume) Second Edition Restructured and updated to reflect timely issues regarding legislation against discrimination, including legal rights and recognition of same-sex couples and strengthening the laws against harassment in work places, no matter the gender or sexual orientation.
The Hong Kong Anti-Discrimination Ordinances examined here include:
• Cap 480: Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO)
• Cap 487: Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO)
• Cap 527: Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (FSDO)
• Cap 602: Race Discrimination Ordinance (RDO)
This new edition has been completely re-structured and revised to offer a concise, detailed section-by-section analysis of all the provisions of Hong Kong’s four Anti-Discrimination Ordinances. The relevant provisions of each Ordinance have been discussed, enhanced with:
(i) legislative amendments; (ii) recent cases, including analysis of the issues surrounding same sex marriages and transgender identity; (iii) comparative notes linking each Ordinance; and (iv) commentary on proposed law reforms. Significant issues are reviewed and examined, including: (i) combing the four existing antidiscrimination laws into a single modernised Discrimination Ordinance; (ii) recognition and protection for persons in de facto relationships (as opposed to a heterosexual marriage); (iii) laws protecting new immigrants (i.e. Mainlanders) from discrimination; (iv) introducing new protections as the current anti-discrimination regime overlooks several grounds of discrimination; and (v) equal protection to both men and women (as as well as ‘gender x’ representing transgender and intersex people) from sexual harassment in common workplaces.
Authored by a team of experienced practitioners and academics
• Annotated by Hectar Pun, Barrister-at-Law, Denis Chang’s Chambers; Ann Lui, Barrister-at- Law, Parkside Chambers, and Michael Ramsden, Professor of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong. • Updated by Brendan Clift, Professor of Law, University of Hong Kong. Presented in a clear, concise format with analysis that goes beyond the current state of legal implications under the ordinances
• Each section and subsection of the Ordinance is highlighted in the headings for easy navigation • The concise format provides exactly what is necessary to better understand the Ordinance • Provides analysis of anticipated legal issues that are yet to arise or which might arise as a result of the new amendments
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![]() | Bills of Exchange Ordinance: Commentary & Annotations (Cap.19) Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap.19): Commentary and Annotations looks at the laws, rules, and regulations relating to bills of exchange – which includes cheques, promissory notes, payment/financial instruments, etc. This Ordinance is essential to the world of finance as the law regulates all business payment systems. Bills of exchange are the fundamental financial instruments and mechanism of settlement for both local and international business and trading transactions.
This text provides a highly readable, yet in-depth account of the law and practice relating to bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes, and other financial instruments. The annotators look at and examine each and every section of the law and explain how these financial documents work in and other instruments work in practice, drawing particular attention to the problems which are likely to arise and how best to resolve them.
Furthermore, because the parties to financial transactions are often based in different countries, the Ordinance has specific provisions to deal with jurisdiction and choice of law issues to enable the reader to determine which jurisdiction’s law applies if a conflict of law arises. | |
Data Protection Law in Asia, Second Edition One of the first publications of its kind to provide a comparative and critical overview of personal data protection laws in 12 jurisdictions of the Asia Pacific region | ||
![]() | The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Companies, 3rd Edition This updated Third Edition of the Law and Practice of Hong Kong Companies presents a step-by-step overview that a professional needs for the daily practice of running a company in accordance with the current provisions of the Companies Ordinance (Cap.622). This practical book highlights and breaks down the everyday routine and procedures for properly running a company, including: (i) requirements from incorporation to dissolution; (ii) formalities required by the Companies Registrar; (iii) formation of joint ventures; (iv) purchase of sole trader; (v) partnerships and business enterprises; (vi) civil and criminal proceedings, etc. NEW CONTENT (i) Practice and Procedure on the Listing of Companies on the Hong Kong Exchange; (ii) Continuing Statutory Obligations of Directors and Officers of such NEW CHAPTERS (i) Regulation of Listed Companies; (ii) Share Capital Transactions; (iii) Investigations and Enquiries; and (iv) Takeovers, Mergers, Amalgamations and Other Reconstructions. This new edition is the ideal source for the answers to all questions in regards to Hong Kong companies and its company secretarial practice. | |
Commercial Litigation in Hong Kong – A Practical Guide, Second Edition THE GO TO RESOURCE ON THE SPECIALIST ISSUES OF COMMERCIAL LITIGATION Commercial litigation is one of the busiest practice areas in Hong Kong with the commercial court developing its unique nuances. Commercial Litigation in Hong Kong: A Practical Guide, Second Edition is comprehensively reviewed and updated after 5 years from the publication of the first edition. It continues to provide an in-depth, comprehensive guide to the practice of commercial litigation, with more than 40% of content updated.
What’s New:
New Cases Discussed:
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Tort Law in Hong Kong, Fourth Edition Tort Law in Hong Kong, now in its fourth edition, is both a learning tool for intending lawyers and the most up-to-date and comprehensive tort law resource for legal practitioners, academics and judges. The focus is on the Hong Kong law and context. The new edition provides critical analysis of more than 300 new court decisions from Hong Kong and relevant overseas jurisdictions. | ||
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