Oct 2014
Print & Proview eBook SGD287.97 USD 230.00 9789810905095
Print SGD239.98 USD 193.92 9789810905095
Proview eBook SGD215.98 USD 192.00 978-981-0905-09-5
(All prices are inclusive of GST where applicable)
There is a lack of locally produced texts to educate new practitioners to the shipping sectors. The subject of shipping has a broad prospect and vast evolutional nature either in technology or commercial, the acquisition of shipping knowledge should never be deemed sufficient or adequate. The book aims to explain the fundamentals of the complex issues arising in shipping law.
Key Feature
The book is divided into three main areas: Maritime Law, Marine Insurance and Carriage of Goods by Sea. There is also a guest chapter, written by Stewart Boyd CBE QC, one of the very foremost authorities in the field, which describes the important topic of International Maritime Arbitration.
The contents are bilingual in nature. Readers will also find comparative notes describing the differences between English and PRC laws at the end of each chapter.
There is also a compiled list of PRC laws and legislation, an index of legal abbreviations of a commercial and shipping nature, and a list of relevant international conventions.