

Select a country of publication from the menu on the left or view popular titles from all jurisdictions below.

Singapore Civil Procedure 2025

Helmed by General Editor, Cavinder Bull S.C., this publication is annotated by some of the pre-eminent practitioners in the field.
It is the leading title of its kind, presenting the most comprehensive coverage of Singapore Civil Procedure in both print and electronic format. This title provides the new Rules of Court in an annotated format and supplies supporting legislation and other material of significance.
The Annotated Singapore Companies Act, Second Edition

The Annotated Singapore Companies Act provides invaluable section-by-section annotations to the Singapore Companies Act, Cap 50 throwing light on the application and interpretation of the provisions of the Act.

The high-quality annotations are insightful, practical and authoritative, enabling a confident understanding of the workings of the Act. The key terms and phrases in each section are explained by reference to local and foreign case law as well as academic writing.

This publication facilitates quick and easy research with the inclusion of cross-references from the provision being annotated to related provisions which work together with it.

The impact of the wide-ranging amendments brought in by the Companies (Amendment) Act 2014 as well as the Companies (Amendment) Act 2017, and the consolidation of the relevant sections on corporate rescue and insolvency with the Bankruptcy Act, Cap 20 into the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act, 2018 is covered to make this publication fully up-to-date.

Significant amendments to the Act, covered in this title:

1. Establishes a new regime to enable a foreign corporate entity to transfer its registration to Singapore

2. Simplifies the timelines for holding of an AGM and filing of returns and reduces regulatory burdens for companies

3. Introduces a new corporate vehicle through the Variable Capital Companies Act 2018 which serves as a structure for both open and closed-ended investment funds in Singapore.

4. Updated the previous edition with recent local and foreign cases from 2017 to June 2023.


Key features

1. Provides insightful annotations to the Companies Act

2. Includes amendments made by the Companies (Amendment) Act 2014 and the Companies (Amendment) Act 2017 and the impact of the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act, 2018

3. Prepared by an author with both broad academic and practical experience

4. Contains rich citation of local and foreign case law

5. Comprised of general overview, explanation of key terms/phrases, definitions, and cross-reference to related provisions

Damages, Expert Evidence and Valuation in Commercial Disputes in India

Jurisprudence surrounding the law of damages and valuation has remained constantly in flux. However, despite being at the forefront of commercial litigation and arbitration landscape, there is a lack of dedicated and reliable authorities devoted to the study of this area of law in India. The central objective of Damages, Expert Evidence and Valuation in Commercial Disputes in India is to bridge that gap. With contributions authored by practitioners across several common law jurisdictions in addition to India, there is a conscious attempt to produce a body of work that, though Indian law–facing, is well contextualized within the developments in common law jurisdictions and provides a comparative analysis wherever appropriate.

The book is aimed at practitioners, legal academics, and judges in the hope that it will be useful in shaping the jurisprudence surrounding damages, its quantification, and the use of expert evidence in India. 

Construction Arbitration

In the construction industry, arbitration is the major means of dispute resolution, particularly for large, complex projects. This new book addresses the process from the perspectives of both the parties involved and that of their advisers. It discusses ways to improve results of the process and the management of costs and time and a purposive approach to manage a construction arbitration.



Law of Construction Variations ( Coming Soon)

Invaluable guidance to navigate variation issues with certainty

Land Law in Malaysia: Questions and Answers

 A comprehensive, reader-friendly book that answers your legal questions on Malaysian land matters.

Equity and Trusts in Malaysia, Third Edition

Clarifying the complexities, making clear the uncertainties

Foong’s Malaysia Cyber, Electronic Evidence and Information Technology Law (Second Edition)

Securing Justice in the Digital Age



Hong Kong Law Journal

Founded in 1971, Hong Kong Law Journal is the leading scholarly journal on the common law in Hong Kong, and the law in China in the English language. The journal also publishes comparative, jurisprudential, international, and interdisciplinary material relevant to the study of law. All contributions are refereed.

The Journal enjoys a wide circulation throughout the common law world. It is available online on a current, full text basis on Westlaw. It is indexed by Scopus, the Social Sciences Citation Index, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, and the Index to Legal Periodicals and Books, and abstracted on the Social Science Research Network.



Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong, 4th Edition

Tort Law and Practice in Hong Kong is the authoritative work on tort law in Hong Kong and frequently cited in court, with references to overseas authorities and academic commentary. 

The Conflict of Laws in Hong Kong, Fourth Edition

The 4th edition of The Conflicts of Law in Hong Kong is pertinent to the determination of governing law, jurisdiction and related issues in cases with a cross-border element in Hong Kong.  

Construction Law and Practice in Hong Kong, Fifth Edition

Construction Law & Practice in Hong Kong, 5th Edition seeks to serve those in the construction industry as well as the legal profession, and has been updated to incorporate the changes and solutions adopted for the challenges in the Hong Kong construction industry. 



SUBJECT INDEX: United Kingdom
Phipson on Evidence 20th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Part of the Common Law Library series, Phipson on Evidence is the leading work on civil and criminal evidence. It examines in detail all aspects of the principles and procedures making up the law of evidence. Coverage includes the admission of evidence, the standard of proof, the attendance of witnesses, good and bad character, legal professional privilege, hearsay, expert evidence, confessions, judicial discretion and many other evidential issues.

Key Features

  • Leading work and authority on civil and criminal evidence, frequently quoted in court
  • Written by a prominent team of expert authors, with excellent balance between leading practitioners and academics
  • Fully updates all changes brought in by the Civil Procedure Rules and the Criminal Procedure Rules
  • Examines in detail all aspects of the complex principles and procedures which make up the law of evidence including admission of evidence, evidence taken or served prior to a trial, the rules of evidence during the course of a trial and the examination of witnesses
  • Considers the burden and standard of proof
  • Discusses all aspects of good and bad character
  • Includes analysis of privilege and facts excluded by public policy
  • Examines hearsay in civil and criminal proceedings
  • Looks at the exclusion and inclusion of extrinsic evidence
  • Examines the judicial discretion to admit or exclude evidence
  • Considers a broad range of case law, including that of the Commonwealth

New to this supplement

The First Supplement to the Twentieth Edition covers all the latest developments in the law of evidence since publication of the Twentieth Edition in December 2021. These include important decisions on admission of evidence, the standard of proof, the attendance of witnesses, good and bad character, legal professional privilege, hearsay, expert evidence, confessions, judicial discretion and many other evidential issues. The supplement also considers important decisions from the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal such as R. v Carlos Wright [2022] EWCA Crim 1722, and AIC Ltd v Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria [2022] UKSC 16 to name a few.

Also available as an eBook on Thomson Reuters ProView

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Craies on Legislation 13th Edition

Craies on Legislation is the complete practitioners' guide to the nature, process, effect and interpretation of legislation. It is regularly cited to and by the higher courts, and it is relied upon by lawyers in the public and private sectors for shedding light on the widest range of questions in relation to how legislation is made, applied, challenged and interpreted.

This new edition features:

  • New material on emergency legislation, including rule of law lessons from COVID-19 legislation
  • Validation legislation
  • New judicial applications of old presumptions and principles
  • Consideration of secret law
  • Supreme Court codification of principles of interpretation
  • Changes in treatment of EU-derived legislation

Thomson Reuters ProView Also available as an eBook on Thomson Reuters ProView

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Snell's Equity 35th Edition

Snell's Equity provides in-depth commentary and analysis of the law of equity and offers interpretation of how the different rules can be applied to property (trusts, assets, securities). It is the most comprehensive book on this subject and is frequently cited in court.

Snells Equity:
  • Examines the nature and maxims of equity.
  • Wide coverage from historical tradition to modern developments.
  • Interprets the principles and their application in different modern situations.
  • Considers all new legislative and case developments.
  • Covers the three main substantive fields of equity jurisdiction: trusts, the administration of assets and securities, particularly mortgages.
  • Takes into account the growing application of trusts and fiduciary obligations in commercial contexts.
  • Clear narrative with logical progression of principles and definitions to application in practice and remedies.
Gale on Easements 22nd Edition

This highly regarded and frequently cited title, first published in 1839, is a detailed analytical text that interprets statute and case law and suggests solutions to the many problems that may arise. The authors provide summaries and informed examination of case law to help make clear the main themes of the law of easements and their subtle variations and exceptions.

Gale on Easements:

  • Interprets both statute and case law, suggesting solutions to problems which may arise in practice
  • Sets out what constitutes an easement and goes on to focus on particular types, such as right of light, rights of way, air and support, boundaries and access to neighbouring land
  • Traces cases to the present day from an historical point of view
  • Explains the development of the law via in-depth analysis of latest case law
  • Offers remedies and advice for when an easement has been disturbed
  • Provides summaries and examination of case law, including a wide range of Commonwealth cases
  • Goes through the ways easements can be created
  • Examines the how easements can be extinguished
  • Defines what amounts to disturbance of easements and identifies the available remedies

New to this edition:

  • Fully updated to incorporate all the key cases since the last edition
  • Revised analysis of how rights of light deeds authorising development which interferes with the light to a neighbours land bind successors
  • Restructured and refreshed discussion of the principles of interpretation applicable to express grants
  • Updated discussion on what light is to be considered when deciding whether a nuisance has been caused and how the impact of light interference is to be measured
  • A detailed discussion of the apparent conflict between property law and tort law, questioning the apparent displacement of well established property law principles by the intrusion of the measured duty of care
  • New commentary on the treatment of access to neighbouring land

Thomson Reuters ProView Also available as an eBook on Thomson Reuters ProView

Thomson Reuters ProView is custom built for legal professionals like you.



SUBJECT INDEX: United States
Black's Law Dictionary 12th Edition

The 12th edition of Black’s Law Dictionary is the new standard — the most comprehensive English-language law dictionary ever compiled, with more than 70,000 entries containing precise definitions and more than 4,800 scholarly and judicial quotations on legal terminology. Every page has been supplemented and revised.

There’s a good reason why Black’s is the dictionary of record in American law and renowned worldwide: it’s the most extensive, accurate, clearly drafted, and authoritative dictionary ever written for the legal profession and for anyone else needing legal definitions. When you use this dictionary, you’re using a trusted and respected resource.

While Black’s originated in 1891, you’ll immediately see why it flourishes today and why it has continued as the benchmark reference book. This new edition keeps the dictionary timely and updated, but at the same time deepens the historical scholarship. Under the chief editorship of Bryan A. Garner, our expert editors and contributors have captured the most current terminology and definitions. With this indispensable tool, busy legal writers can quickly grasp the essence of an unfamiliar term and stay current on their legal knowledge.
Smarter Law: Transforming Busy Lawyers into Business Leaders

American Law of Zoning, 5th

American Law of Zoningz provides attorneys, planners, policy decision makers, and other land use professionals with a fundamental overview of the history and development of zoning in the United States. The text:

• Reviews the current state of zoning, planning, and subdivision control policy

• Examines sources of zoning, legislative limitations, and legitimate objectives to zoning

• Discusses regulations, constitutional issues, and judicial reviews of zoning and planning decisions

The author provides important caselaw updates and analysis of such developments as:

• Administrative relief from zoning regulations – special permits and variances

• The power to zone – constitutional issues

• Regulation of uses for profit – agriculture, commerce, and industry

• Judicial review of zoning and planning decisions – appeal and certiorari

Director and Officer Liability: Indemnification and Insurance, 2016-2017 ed.

Director and Officer Liability: Indemnification and Insurance provides strategies for limiting corporate management liability and demonstrates how to react to each challenge using court-proven methods and techniques. This title discusses:

• The value of indemnification

• Directors'' and officers'' insurance

• Funding alternatives to insurance

• Trends in federal regulation and state law, including the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Crime Control Act on federal depository institutions and holding companies, and the Penny Stock Reform Act of 1990

• The special needs of nonprofit corporations

Examples of indemnity agreements and insurance policies are included.